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I am looking for information on how to combine foods to produce as little change possible within the insulin and glycogen axis of the human body. The information should contain a means whereby the digestion of the foods produces such a balancing effect within the scope and safety of homeostasis and also include information on what levels the balance of the insulin/glycogen axis will retain itself at with the various forms of foods digested in combination. I need this information as a prefatory understanding to begin correlating intake of essential fatty acids for controlling the eicosanoids within the body to reverse age and possibly other matters. Thank you for your assistance.


Dear Samuel, Thank you for submitting your question to AskNSDL. I performed a Google search,, using the following terms: "insulin and gycogen" homeostasis food. Here is one result that may interest you. ADA/CDA: Nutrition for fitness & athletic perf. PEN pages College of Agricultural Sciences, Feb. 27, 1998. This is a Report on the "Position of The American Dietetic Association and The Canadian Dietetic Association: Nutrition for physical fitness and athletic performance for adults." Scroll to the bottom of the page to see a list of keywords for this article, which may help you with further searches. Through the National Science Digital Library,, I searched for "insulin resistance." The list of results indicated possibly relevant resources in BioMed Central, This collection has over 100 Open Access journals covering Biology and Medicine. You can also search PubMed and PubMed Central (open access) through this interface. I searched for: nutrition AND insulin AND glycogen. There were 40 items found: 8 research articles + 32 other articles (reviews, etc.) I hope you will replicate the search (and variations on the strategy) to find articles for your research. I've listed two that may be relevant. Peters, SJ and LeBance, P. Metaboic aspects of low carbohydrate diets and exercise", Nutrition & Metabolism 2004, 1:7. You can view the full text of the article by clicking on the linking below. Lovejoy, J. The Influence of Dietary Fat on Insulin Resistance, Current Diabetes Reports 2002, 2:435-440. This article requires a subscription. If you visit an academic institution you may be able to obtain the full text of subscription articles through their electronic databases or serials collections. If you are affiliated with a college, university and/or research center, perhaps you already have database access from your computer. The librarians there can help you locate materials and provide additional assistance with searching. Interlibrary loan is usually an option, too. I hope this information has been helpful. Sincerely, Joyce W.

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