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Mental/Emotional Health


What causes depression?


Hi Shawn, The group of symptoms which doctors and therapists use to diagnose depression are the result of an alteration in brain chemistry. This alteration is similar to temporary, normal variations in brain chemistry which can be triggered by illness, stress, frustration, or grief, except the symptoms are self-sustaining and longer lasting. I found some excellent websites on the Librarian's Index to the Internet, Go to the Health section and type in depression for a search term. Click on the Depression FAQs. The URL is This web site has lots of great information. The first section has questions about depression. Scroll down the pages and you will find the answers. One section is called Causes of Depression. You will find all the information you need right here. Also check out the National Institute of Mental Health website, NIMH. The URL is: At the right side of the screen, click on "For the public." Then click on "Mental Disorder Information." Then click on "Depression." You will find a section on "Causes of Depression." Be sure and visit your school or public library to find out more about depression. The librarian will be able to direct you to book sources on mental illness. Good luck with your research. Thank you for submitting your question to the NSDL Virtual Reference desk. Melodye C.

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