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Human sexuality


is pistachio harmful to human semen,i mean it causes to become thin of semen,please reply me. thank you


Dear Usman, Thank you for sending your question to AskNSDL. AskNSDL does not offer opinions on medical topics (see "About AskNSDL",; however, I can suggest resources that may be helpful to you in finding information on this topic. MedlinePlus,, the U.S. National Library of Medicine's consumer health information website, indexes material on many health topics. Click the link for "Health Topics," choose the letter, "S," and then scroll down the page to "Sexual Health Issues." You may also want to check out the category, "Men's Health Issues." Generally, a Google search,, did not retrieve very useful results when I used variations on the keywords, pistachio semen. However, searching on the following string, "harmful effects" pistachios sperm, turned up the following article, which may interest you. "The NRA Review of Endosulfan", August 1998, by the National Registration Authority for Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals." This report discusses the effects of endosulfan, which was listed as registered in the crop, pistachios. It notes that sperm irregularities were reported in rodents that received megadoses of endosulfan. The effects were considered of "limited significance to humans" due to the high doses at which the effects on rodents were reported. Your health care provider can provide the most authoritative information. Please be sure to contact your health care provider to discuss your concerns and obtain specific advice for your own situation. The librarian at your school and/or public library may also be able to direct you to further resources that they have available in print or electronically. Sincerely, Joyce W. AskNSDL

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