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Environmental health


I have a plant names Scaevola this has beautiful little purple flowers and blooms all summer in a hanging basket. I have noticed that the big black bumble bees seem drugged after they feed from this plant. They don't move for hours and sometime they just die on the bloom. They are so drugged that they can be picked up. Can anyone tell me what the effect is on these insects from this plant. Thank you - Sherry Bailey


<P>Hello,<BR><BR>We apologize for the delay in responding, and hope you can still use this information.</P> <DIV>&nbsp;It sounds like you are interested in learning about bees interacting with your scaevola plant.&nbsp; That's a neat subject.&nbsp; Looks like you are looking for resources about the way that scaevola affects the behavior of bees, and what it does that makes them act abnormally.&nbsp; My name is Meg and I'd be happy to help you with your question.&nbsp; Let's see what we can find that might be helpful to you in your information search:<BR></DIV> <DIV>My first stop was to look up scaevola in an encyclopedia.&nbsp; To do this, I searched Google for a good plant encyclopedia, and found

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