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Is it normal for men to remove body hair, including leg hair?


<P>Dear Brendan,<BR><BR>Thank you for submitting your question to AskNSDL. I apologize for the delay.&nbsp; It appears that our experts were unable to respond to your question.&nbsp;They are all volunteers, and schedules can be very busy.<BR><BR>The policy of AskNSDL is not to provide advice on legal, ethical, or health questions. I'm not sure where the question of whether or not&nbsp;it is "normal" to&nbsp;remove unwanted&nbsp; body hair in men falls. However, I&nbsp; searched the Internet, using Google, <A href="></A>, to look for information related to your&nbsp;topic. &nbsp;I typed the search string: (use quotes where indicated): "unwanted body hair" men, and I found one result that may interest you.<BR><BR>The Dermatology Forum, <A href="></A>. Dr. A. Rockoff, "a board certified dermatologist affiliated with Tufts University School of Medicine,"&nbsp; provided an answer to a question about excessive hair growth in men. (May 27, 2002).</P> <P>Here is an excerpt from his response: "Our attitudes toward hair are determined by the culture of the place and time we live in." You can read the response in its entirety by following the link below:<BR><A href="></A><BR><BR>I hope this information helps. Your library is also a good source of materials on many topics, including sociology.&nbsp;Your health care provider may also be able to provide advice on this matter.<BR><BR>Best wishes,<BR>Joyce W.<BR>AskNSDL staff/Virtual Reference Librarian<BR><BR><BR><BR></P> <P>body hair<BR>men<BR>hair removal</P>

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