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Why are there waves at the beach?


Why are there waves at the beach? Good Question, there is a long answer and a short answer for this question. The short answer is: We have waves because of wind (boats, people and animals create waves too, but they are not very common when compared to waves from wind ). The (slightly) longer answer is: As winds blow across the surface of a body of water, the friction between the water and the air pulls the water in the direction the wind is blowing (Try this yourself! get a cup or bowl of any liquid and blow across the top. You will see little waves forming. Does the size of container make any difference in the size of waves? ). Waves get bigger if the wind is stronger, blows over a longer time, or blows over a longer distance. It is interesting to note the wave travels across the water but the water particles don't actually move very far (if you look at them from the side they just go back and forth in a circle ). I hope this answers your question!

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