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What does a forensics engineer do?


<P>Dear Oney,</P> <P>Thank you for submitting your question to AskNSDL. I'm sorry for the delay. It appears that our experts were unable to respond to your question. They are all volunteers and schedules are very busy.</P> <P>I am a librarian and searched for free quality information&nbsp;via the Internet&nbsp;on this topic. I used Google, <A href="></A>, and searched on this phrase: "forensics engineer".</P> <P>One of the results is from the&nbsp;University of Virginia's website that offers an "Overview of Careers in Foresics", <A href="></A>.</P> <P>Here is an excerpt from the "Summary of what a forensics engineer does:"</P> <P>Excerpt: "Forensic engineers apply their knowledge of engineering, construction manufacturing and codes, and the laws of physics and chemistry to the interpretation of physical evidence. For example, a forensic engineer with a background in electronics engineering might examine a piece of manufacturing equipment to reconstruct an accident and determine whether a factory owner is responsible for the injuries suffered by a worker suing for damages." I've pasted below a link to the full article.<BR><A href="></A></P> <P>If you would still like a response from one of the AskNSDL scientists, please resubmit your question, and we will do what we can to help you out. If you do this, I suggest that you change the category for your question from "Criminology" to "Engineering."&nbsp; You will reach more experts that way since they are notified of questions in categories that they have selected. Your library is also a good source of career information. Once again, we're sorry for the delay.</P> <P>Best wishes,<BR>Joyce W. <BR>AskNSDL staff </P> forensics<BR>forensics engineer

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