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Materials Engineering


hellow sir, can be do any other test besides compressive,tensile&bending from UTM.


Dear Rajarshi, Thank you for submitting your question to AskNSDL. Your question is not completely clear to me. This may explain why an Engineering expert has not responded. I am a librarian (not an engineer) and will do my best to point you to some resources that I found by searching the web and the NSDL collections. A Google search,, yielded 87 results: I used this search string: UTM test compressive tensile bending Check out this result from the top ten retrieved hits. "How to Buy Universal Testing Machines" - An online article from Plastics Technology. The intro mentions evaluation of "shear" properties, in addition to "tensile, flexural, and compressive". Read the whole article by clicking on the following link or copy and paste it into your browser: If you want to refine this Google search, click on the link for "Advanced search" next to the search box. Using the same search string, limit your domain to .edu, .gov and/or .org. I also searched the National Science Digital Library, It was harder to find resources that I think might be relevant to your query. After experimenting with various search terms, I found the following resource in the top 20 hits of a search on the following string: material test. Try your own searches or just browse the engineering collections too. "Properties of Materials" - This is basically a teaching resource to help students discover the basic properties of materials. Be sure to check with the librarian at your school and/or public library for additional resources. If this response does not help, you may wish to rephrase your question and resubmit it. Sincerely, Joyce W., M.S., M.L.S. Librarian/AskNSDL Administrator

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