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Materials Engineering


what materials are in a ping-pong ball and bouncy ball i am doing a science fair project and i need to know Alex


<P>Try cutting a piece out of the ping pong ball and examining it. What other materials does it remind you of?&nbsp; Traditionally, these balls were made of "celluloid", an early plastic developed in the 19th century. Maybe they still are, as you usually don't change a standard item like this. Look up celluloid in a good chemistry book or maybe a big dictionary and see what it is made of.&nbsp; (the "cell" indicates cellulose, which is in your biology book).&nbsp;<BR><BR>I can't tell what kind of "bouncy ball" you mean, so maybe you can show it to your teacher and ask the question.<BR><BR>Also, you should find the shift key on your keyboard and make a capital "I" when you write people.<BR><BR>George Curtis<BR>University of Hawaii</P>

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