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Electronic/Computer Engineering


How do you set up a wireless connection from a alarm system when it goes off, through radio waves, to a bracelet that would vibrate?


Alarm system has to transmit a signal when the alrm goes off. Take an old walkie-talkie and arrange that when the alarm goes off, it closes the transmit switch on the walkie-talkie.<BR><BR>The bracelet needs a receiver -- give that person the other walkie talkie. Change the speaker for a much smaller one, give it long wires so the walkie talkie can be on the person's belt or armband, and the little speaker on their wrist. Tape the speaker to a magnetic metal (e.g. steel, iron) bracelet. When the speaker sounds, the magnetic coil will vibrate the bracelet. If you don't want the speaker to sound, put some tape over it. (If it's an old cheap speaker that you were going to throw away or only costs a dollar maybe, you could remove the paper and stop the sound. But then it'll never be a speaker again - just a vibrator.)<BR><BR>Good luck!

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