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Electronic/Computer Engineering


Please tell me about the easiest possible method to make a solar panel? Or solar cell ? What renewable energy sources are currently available and what are their advantages and disadvanages? Describe the state of the art technology associated with energy sources and how can these be integrated in society and adopted to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and the consequent release of air pollutants and CO2? What areas of research are being actively pursued to develop alternate energy sources? How can solar energy reduce the dependence on fossil fuels? How can you simply build a model of an home which saves power using solar energy? Can you please tell us how these can be done using materials that are inexpensive (in Indian rupees) and are easily available? I know this is a complicated order but would really appreciate it if you can answer this as soon as possible. Meghana


Let me answer the questions one by one. 1. Please tell me about the easiest possible method to make a solar panel? Or solar cell ? A solar panel is made up of solar cells. The cells are processed silicon wafers that convert solar energy (photons) into electricity. Making of solar cells is very expensive if you start from scratch. 2. What renewable energy sources are currently available and what are their advantages and disadvanages? What areas of research are being actively pursued to develop alternate energy sources? The types of energy sources, besides the basic of hydroelectric (dams) and petroleum (natural gas and coal) and nuclear fission (breaking of atoms, uranium based) and geothermal are: wind, waves, solar, nuclear fusion. Wind energy is basically the windmills converting moving air to electricity by generators. Wave energy is a new concept and uses ocean swells to move generators and produce electricity. Solar is explained above. Nuclear fusion is still under development and is the process of fusing atoms together, typically hydrogen based. 3. Describe the state of the art technology associated with energy sources and how can these be integrated in society and adopted to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and the consequent release of air pollutants and CO2? There is a lot of information on the sources I mentioned in question 2. Technology is always working on new and more efficient ways of energy production. Do a search on these methods to really see the latest information. Do a Google search with the words "alternative energy source research". 4. How can solar energy reduce the dependence on fossil fuels? Solar alone will not be able to reduce dependence. It will take multiple sources. Fossil fuels are concentrated energy sources. The other alternatives are not. If you are looking at cars, highly dependent on fossil fuels, electric and hydrogen fueled cars would be the best alternative. Here it becomes a matter of cost and technolgoy. The engineering world is working on making these types of vehicles a reality. 5. How can you simply build a model of an home which saves power using solar energy? Lots and lots of solar panels - to put is simply. However, merging in wind power would help. The other solution is reduce the energy consumption of the house. Can you please tell us how these can be done using materials that are inexpensive (in Indian rupees) and are easily available? Here is a question I'll have to defer. All of the sources discussed above are costly on an individual basis. Keeping to solar and wind would be the best solution of them all.

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