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Civil Engineering


How do you make blueprints for a good fort?


Hi Richard, Planning a fort is a lot of fun, almost as much fun as building or playing in it! Making blueprints first is a great idea, because it will increase your chances of having it come out well. Even though you might not realize it, you'll also be doing the same kind of project management that adults use when they build a house or a building! Blueprints refer to plans, originally drawn on transparent paper, that have been copied in a special machine that doesn't change the dimensions of the drawing. If you're building a structure, it's important that the plans are accurate!. Chemicals used by the machine produced blue printing, which is why these plans were called blueprints. This process isn't used much anymore because the chemicals are smelly and messy, and because modern photocopiers now do a good job of copying drawings. You can make your own blueprint-quality plans by getting some paper ruled in square grids; these are usually 1/4" on a side. Decide on a scale to use, like two grids represents 1 foot of actual length (that way an 8.5" x 11" sheet of paper will cover 17 x 22 actual feet), or four grids represents 1 foot (the paper covers 8.5 x 11 feet). Use a ruler and sharp pencil to draw the floor plan to your scale. Use another piece of paper to draw a side view of each side, showing things like openings you'd like to build in. You can write down important details, too, like how you are going to fasten things together (duct tape, nails) or with arrows showing extra things you might use like hinges. Your several drawings stapled together form a project "portfolio," just like the professionals have. Before you start, decide on what materials you'll have available. Are you making it of blankets and cardboard, using furniture in your house as a base? Are you going outside with 2x4's and plywood? (If the latter, are your parents going to buy lumber? What is your budget? You can also try asking workmen at house construction or remodel sites if they have any excess materials you could take. Mostly they'll have small scraps but sometimes you can get good-sized pieces.) Good forts can be indoors or outdoors, temporary or permanent. If you are planning an outdoor fort built of lumber, it's good to have a couple of carefully-selected helpers. An older brother or sister or a parent can help you with the planning process and with driving to get materials. Ask them if they understand that it's your project, because you want help, but you don't want a boss! Let them know you'll learn more if you run things yourself. You can show them this email, too. Best of luck on your fort! I think you'll have a blast!

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