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Chemical Engineering


Looking for NSF (unbiased) reports on issues related to ethanol production, pro and con. Not interested in industry groups info which seems to be all I can find on your web site.. Please advise. Thank you


Greetings! Thank you for sending us your question. I apologize for the delay in responding. This question was not originally routed through the AskNSDL website, and I just received notice of it. I first looked for documents/reports on the pro's and con's of ethanol production at the National Science Digital Library's (NSDL) website, I experimented with several different key words in my search (ethanol production "renewable energy"). I retrieved the best results when I used the phrase "ethanol production." There were 7 hits. I've listed what appeared to be most relevant, but please replicate the search or perform your own to find more information. 1. "Bioethanol Fuel Production Concept Study: Topline Report", NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory,) Nov. 2001, DLNET Collection (Digital Library Network for Engineering and Technology.) Description: The DOE is in the process of developing technologies for converting plant matter other than feed stock, e.g., corn stover, into biofuels. The goal of this research project was to determine what the farming community thinks of ethanol as a fuel source, and specifically what they think of bioethanol produced from corn stover. This project also assessed the image of the DOE and the biofuels program and determined the perceived barriers to ethanol-from-stover production. Abstract: Full text document: 2. Jeoh, Tina. "Steam Explosion Pretreatment of Cotton Gin Waste for Fuel Ethanol Production," Master's Thesis Defense Date: 12/9/1998. Virginia Tech Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Collection (VT-ETD.) Description: See abstract. Abstract: Full text document: 3. Ethanol Across America. Electronic Environmental Resources Library. Description: This site offers numerous informational links concerning research, uses, production, benefits, technical performance and the impact of ethanol-fueled vehicles. Despite its non-destructive environmental impact, and its numerous applications and uses as an alternative and renewable energy source, numerous myths and misinformation have prevented ethanol from becoming recognized as one of the most viable energy source of the future. For 30 years it has been utilized as a gasoline additive and alternative fuel in nearly every state in the nation. 4. Alternative Farming System Information Center Publications. Description: Links to agricultural and environmental documents from the USDA National Agricultural Library. Click on Alternative Energy for Agriculture. 5. "Introduction to Ethanol," Northwest Iowa Community College, Electronic Environmental Resources Library. Description: This site offers an historical chronology of the development and expansion of the ethanol industry, and advantages realized by the use of said product. Energy to adequately sustain life will be one of the most significant global challenges of 21st century as the world population increases and the sources for fossil fuel diminish. Ethanol is said to be one of the renewable fuel sources that will become one of the principal energy sources to supplement and supplant the current dependence on fossil fuels. I also searched the National Science Foundation's Website,, for past/current awards on the topic of ethanol production. Here are a few proposals that may interest you. The second resource has a link to the final report. Award Number 9613342 Conversion of Paper Sludge to Ethanol and Potentially Recyclable Minerals Lee R. Lynd (PI) Dartmouth College Environmental Technology Start Date: September 15, 1996 Expires: September 30, 1999 A Google search,, on the above title returned the following STAR Report, Vol. 3, Issue 3, Nov. 1999 from the National Center for Environmental Research and Quality Assurance, which may provide additional material. Development of Biotechnology to Sustain the Production of Environmentally Friendly Transportation Fuel Ethanol from Cellulose Biomass, NSF/EPA Partnership for Environmental Research FY 97 Awards Nancy W. Y. Ho Purdue University Laboratory of Renewable Resources Engineering Final Report: For a list of other opportunities for biochemical engineering to impact energy production, click on the link below: Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences, FY 2001 GPRA Performance Report, November 6, 2001. Scroll down to the heading "Recent IOC Awards" (about one third down the page.) "A Technological-Economic-Organizational Analysis of Ethanol as an Automobile Fuel (01-15418)," a study of barriers to cellulosic ethanol's acceptance as a fuel for automobiles and light trucks in the U.S. Of interest here: a rich examination of interlocking technical, economic and organizational factors surrounding what is nominally a ?technical? change question. Consortium for Education in Renewable Energy Technologies, Award Number 02352 Jun 15, 2002- May 31, 2005 Joy McMillan Agriscience and Technical Division James Brown, James Gibson, William Johnson I hope this information is useful. Please let me know if you need anything further. You could also check with the librarian at your school and/or public library for additional resources that may be available through their databases. Sincerely, Joyce W., M.S., M.L.S. AskNSDL

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