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If I was to become an oceanographer or a marinebiologist, would I have trouble getting a job? Is the pay any good?


Jessica - Oceanographers do all sorts of things. They are teachers, they do basic research (at Universities or for private foundations), they do work in private industries (oil companies, defense subcontractors), they work for government agencies (NASA, NOAA, state land and natural resources departments). Some places are easier to get jobs than others - university research jobs are probably the hardest to get (unless you want to train dolphins at Sea World -- those are nearly impossible to get). The pay range also is quite varied -- the dolphin trainers are paid very poorly. University professors and government employees and private industry employees are generally paid quite well. Also, it depends if you have a B.S. degree or a Master's or a PhD. The more education, generally, the higher your pay level. It is a fun career and has a lot of options. Oceanographers learn a lot in all the 'basic' sciences: biology, physics, chemistry, and geology. That makes you very employable in a variety of scientific fields.

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