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I have always had an intrest in rocks, but i cannot think of an age approite science fair topic involving geology.


Well, a lot depends on where you live. If you live in a place where there are a lot of rocks visible, then you could try to learn more about the local geology and then show photos of rock outcrops you have visited, with notes on what the outcrops show (fossils? veins of quartz? layering?) and what that means for the geologic history of your immediate area. If not too many rocks are visible at the surface, you could still show a geologic map of your state or region and tell how the local geology fits in. You can do this for any area, really. On the web, try looking up your State Geological Survey, or visit your local University Geology Department. If there is a college or University Geology Department, you could try to volunteer to help one of the faculty with their research projects. This would be a great way to develop a science fair project. You can also try the web site of the Geologic Society of America. If you have an interest in rocks, I am sure that you can come up with some interesting ideas. The history of the earth is written in the rock record, so no matter where you live, you can learn about the history of your region. If you live near mountains, all the better. Good luck!

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