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General science


What is Brown Power? (a definition) What are non-renewable resources used to make Brown Power? What is Green Power? (a definition) What are the renewable resources used to make Green Power? How is this electricity used and where? (include urban cities) What kind of power do green buildings use? How would the use of Green Power improve our problem of Global Warning? How is Green Power and Brown Power different? My sons paper is due November 23rd, can you help? I cannot find any information! Thank you, Denise


Brown Power: Electricity generated from the combustion of fossil fuel, which generates significant amounts of anthropogenic greenhouse gases. Brown power sources include coal, oil, and natural gas. (link provides definitions) Green Power is electricity generated from renewable resources, considered to be less intrusive environmentally than traditional (or "brown" power) generation. Green power sources include wind, water, landfill gas, solar, and others. In order to feed a city a "power grid" is used. This is similar to a grid a top of a bumper car ride. Houses, companies, and other buildings are attached and consume the energy. Energy sources such as Brown Power and Green Power are connected to "feed" the power grid. People buy power from the grid and consumption is based on the percentage of what source is feeding it. Thus if one pays for 50% Green Power, then that person is paying the rate as if it is charged by both the Brown Power and the Green Power source rates. As of now, Green Power tends to be a bit more expensive than Brown Power. But as time goes on and Green Power becomes more developed, cost will come down. On the other hand, as fossil fuels become more scarce, Brown Power will become more expensive. I hope this gives you enough insight. Feel free to respond if more questions arise and I will try to answer. Derek.

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