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WHere or what does toxic waste go? Like where or what kind of buildings does it go to. Brooke


Brooke, There are lots of different things called "toxic waste" and they may go many different places. Chemicals that you may have around the house that are toxic like paint thinner, cleaners and pesticides, will all go to a place where they are either mixed with other things that make them a lot less harmful or where they are burned. If they are burned, the smoke should be filtered so anything toxic doesn't get into the air. The leftovers are often stored in places like a garbage dump that's specially built to store harmful chemicals. Tires from cars and parts of computers and televisions are also toxic waste and they may be stored for a time and then cut up and recycled into other things. Tires are often made into the rubber mats some playgrounds have. Some things like car oil and grease may be sent to a place where they clean and filter it, so it can be reused. I hope that helps.

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