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how to dispose a battery safely?


Hello&nbsp;Blythe,<BR><BR>Depending on what type of battery you have, it can be either recycled or disposed of as hazardous waste.&nbsp; All batteries contain acids and heavy metals, such as lead or nickel-cadmium.&nbsp; So, if they are just thrown in the trash, they will wind up in landfills leaching some rather nasty stuff.&nbsp; Best to handle them properly.<BR><BR>&nbsp; -&nbsp; Disposable batteries (the AAA to D sized batteries that power flashlights, alarm clocks, and lots of other small items around the house) should be taken to your local household hazardous waste facility.&nbsp; Most cities have one (for example, Austin's facility has a web site: <A href="></A>&nbsp;-- somewhere near you probably has one too).<BR><BR>&nbsp; -&nbsp; Rechargeable batteries (the kind that come in cell phones, personal computers, digital cameras, and power tools) can be recycled.&nbsp; Use the<FONT size=3> </FONT><SPAN class=class2>Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation's </SPAN>web site <A href="></A>&nbsp;to look up a nearby store or other place to drop them off --&nbsp;it's amazing how many places&nbsp;will do it.<BR><BR>&nbsp; -&nbsp; Car batteries are almost always recycled.&nbsp; Auto shops or parts stores normally take them when you buy a new one.&nbsp; There's a description of exactly how the batteries are recycled on the Battery Council International's web site: <A href="></A><BR><BR>Thanks for the interesting question!&nbsp; (I need to recycle some used batteries I have -- now I know where.)<BR><BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; - Shelly Sommer<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;INSTAAR Information Center<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; University of Colorado, Boulder<BR> batteries<BR>recycling<BR>hazardous materials

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