Ask NSDL Archive

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Careers in Science


1.) What is your major field of expertise and how did you become interested in it? 2.) What suggestions do you have for students who wish to become involved in your field of study?


My major field of expertise is the implementation and effectiveness of geographic information systems (GIS) technology and methods in K-12, college, and university education. I also am interested and have experience in geography and science education, particularly using paper and digital maps, satellite imagery, and aerial photographs. I am involved in creating and sustaining education partnerships between the USGS and other organizations, research on the effectiveness of GIS in teaching and learning, creating lesson modules for educators to use with their students on hazards, population, watersheds, land use, and other Earth-based topics, and conduct approximately 40 training events annually for tribal, federal, state, and local government, nonprofit organizations, and educators at all levels. I became interested in these topics from my longstanding interests in geography and education.

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