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Careers in Science


1.) What is your major field of expertise and how did you become interested in it? 2.) What suggestions do you have for students who wish to become involved in your field of study?


I am a naturalist-educator. That means I'm interested in all aspects of nature--birds, wildflowers, ecology, etc.--and I like sharing what I know with students and other folks. Both of these are interests I've had since I was a young boy. Three suggestions: 1) Go to your library and spend some time looking at the books in the 590's; they're all about nature topics. Read as much as you can. 2) Go into the out-of-doors and explore what is around you, trying to identify as many living things as you can by using those books. 3) Find some local naturalists who you can take field trips with and learn everything you can from them.

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