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Careers in Science


Hi, I want to ask a question regarding to experts in the field regarding to Varicella Zoster otherwise known as Chickenpox. I need this information for a school project, if you get the time please answer my questions. Is there any specific name for doctors in this area of research on varicella zoster? What are the requirements of becoming a virologist in the specified virus of Varicella Zoster? In this field of virology what do the virologists do? If you can, please try to describe the career of a virologist who studies Varicella Zoster. I have been doing much analyzation on this subject and I have not come with anything. I am awed by this career or occupation and I would like to know a lot more from an actual expert. Thank You For Your Time Sincerely Arun


<DIV>Hi Arun,</DIV> <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV> <DIV>Using Google and the search string

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