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Careers in Science


What does the job market in the field of nanotechnology look like for the next 5 years?


Hi Bill, Sorry that it's taken so long for someone to respond to your question. Hopefully you can still use the information below. Usually the best place to look for information on careers and specific job growth areas is the Occupational Outlook published both in print and online by the US Department of Labor. However, since nanotechnology is still an emerging field, they don't cover it. Instead, I went to Google at and typed in these words: nanotechnology "career outlook" I put the words "career outlook" in quotation marks because I wanted to search them as a phrase. Here are some resources that I hope will help you: Hiring Outlook 2004, Part 1 This BusinessWeek article quotes the founder of a prominent executive search firm as saying that nanotechnology is creating "a lot of buzz and is generating significant investment." If organizations dealing with nanotechnology are getting a lot of venture capital and other investments, I think it's a safe bet to say that jobs within this field will increase significantly within the next 5 years. Small Times: DEMAND EXCEEDS SUPPLY FOR SMALL TECH GRADS, DESPITE SIX-FIGURE PAY AND SIGNING BONUSES, RECRUITERS SAY Small Times is a publication that focuses on MEMS, nanotechnology, and microsystems. This article describes a shortage of skilled workers in such fields as nanotechnology, which means that companies compete fiercely for qualified candidates. The article also relates that it's not uncommon for new hires to start with 6 figure salaries, and that students specializing in nanotech, MEMS, and microsystems are "are almost guaranteed employment when they leave school." Mechanical Engineering Jobs This job resource for mechanical engineers cites nanotechnology as a growth industry where "many new jobs are expected." While none of these resources provide a growth percentage or other number to indicate anticipated growth in the area of nanotechnology jobs, I think it's a safe bet to say that the job outlook for the next few years is very good to excellent. I hope this helps. If you need more information, you can see if a librarian at your school or the public library can help. Thanks for asking your question! Joann nanotechnology, career outlook, job growth

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