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Careers in Science


do you know the history of whiteboards


Hello Jacob,<BR><BR>The history of whiteboards -- they've been around since I was in school (since the late 1960's) what you see on <FONT color=#008000 size=2>;<FONT color=#000000>isn't the whole story.&nbsp; However, yes, blackboards were most common, with some greenboards and only a few whiteboards.&nbsp; Computers in the classroom were rarer than whiteboards,&nbsp;even&nbsp;by the 1980's...<BR><BR>I hadn't known about the computer forcing out the blackboard -- I'm not disputing that part, no. As I recall, threatening students with having to clean the blackboard and/or erasers was a disciplinary tool for the elementary school teachers of years past.&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR><BR>It looks like another good site is <FONT color=#008000><A href="></A>.&nbsp; </FONT><BR><BR>Hope this helps,<BR><BR>Joe M.&nbsp;<BR>Information Technology Specialist<BR>B.S. Mathematics, 1981<BR>M.S. Industrial and Operations Engineering, 1985<BR>various positions held:&nbsp; Computer Programmer, Cartographer, Mathematical Statistician, Computer Specialist<BR><BR></FONT></FONT>

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