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What fruits make the best dyes for fabric? Emily


<P>Hi Emily!<BR><BR>Thank you for sending your question to AskNSDL.&nbsp; Since I knew that cherries and grape juice can easily stain fabrics, I thought I would find lots of information on the Web&nbsp;on natural fruit dyes. That wasn't the case, but&nbsp; I did retrieve a few&nbsp;good&nbsp;results.<BR><BR>I used Google, <A href="></A>, and performed two separate searches.<BR><BR>1. I searched using this string of terms: "natural dye" fruit fabric.&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>*&nbsp; KIDSGARDENING.COM FROM THE NATIONAL GARDENING ASSOCIATION presents a webpage that discusses how to dye fabrics. Look toward the bottom of the page for&nbsp;a table on plants that can be used in dying fabrics. It includes fruits like mulberriers and wild grapes for purple, elderberries for blue.&nbsp;<BR> <A href="></A><BR><BR>2. The second search was broader: dye fruit fabric.<BR>* Paula Burch's website and blog&nbsp; posts a question from a student&nbsp;about her&nbsp;Science Fair project that asks about the best dyes for cotton. Paula describes the process for "mordanting" cotton in order to make the dye stick.. She doesn't offer&nbsp; suggestions on which fruits to use, though.&nbsp; <A href="></A></P> <P>I hope this information helps.&nbsp; It could be fun to experiment with different fruits to see for yourself which fruits make the best dyes once you follow the recommended practices.&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR><BR>Be sure to visit your local librarian for more materials that are available on this topic, too!<BR><BR>Have a great day!<BR><BR>Joyce W.<BR>Librarian/AskNSDL staff</P> natural dye, fruit, mordanting

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