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after implanting the coconut tree,what should we do to make tree grow speedly plz reply me thank you?


Dear Usman, Thank you for sending your question to AskNSDL. If you would like information on the culture and cultivation of the coconut tree (Cocos nucifera) after *planting,* (rather than *implanting*) I can point you to some resources that are freely available on the Web. I first used the AskNSDL resources that are listed under "Agriculture:" NewCROP from Purdue University is a great site for agricultural information. When you arrive at the NewCROP website, click on the "Crop Index" link and select "C". Then scroll down the page to "Coconut." Here are 2 resources. 1. "Cocos nucifera L." from James A. Duke's "Handbook of Energy Crops," 1983. Click on #8 "Cultivation" for a comprehensive explanation of growing conditions and management of coconut plants. 2. "Horticulure 403 - Lecture 25, Coconut & Date" - This lecture provides some basic facts. I also used the clustering search engine, Vivisimo, This search engine finds resources on the Web and groups or "clusters" the results for easier scanning. I used the following search string: "cocos nucifera" (culture OR cultivation). Here are a few of the results. Traditional Pacific Island Crops - Coconut (Cocos nucifera) Internet Resources. This webpage is a portal to many other websites and has a category for "Botany and Cultivation." Check out the following. "The Coconut Palm in Florida" (Timothy K. Broschat and Jonathan H. Crane, 2000, Florida Cooperative Extension Service.) Covers propagation, planting, cultural practices, pest control. The section on planting and spacing emphasizes the need for "at least 1 inch of water" every week "during the first year following transplanting." Mulch is also recommended to "retain soil moisture and restrict weed growth." Another interesting resource from the Vivisimo search is the following paper. Lombard, Kevin. "Reviewing the Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.), Tree of LIfe," A paper written and presented for PSS 5326 Advanced Seed Science, Texas Tech University, 2001. The links on the side will take you to information on "growing conditions". I hope this information is helpful to you. Be sure to check with the librarian at your school and/or public library for more resources that exist in print and that are available through electronic databases that are not free. Also, if there is something that you want to know specific to growing the Coconut tree after *implanting* it with something, please write again to clarify your question. Sincerely, Joyce W.

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