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Hallo! I'M a biotechnology teacher and i have one question for you - Can you tell me what are the disadvantages of liposome as a vecter at dna vaccine? I mean, why does a researcher use plamid and not liposome as a vector..? i will be thankful if you send me answer


Liposomes are used as delivery vehicles for a variety of bioactive compounds.  This is a non-specific delivery vehicle in that liposomes will "fuse" with any lipid bilayer and deliver their contents into the cytoplasm.  They will also fuse with each other, so their is very little specufucuty of delivery (some specificity can be achieved by altering the lipid species that make the liposome, or by incorporating "bullets" into the liposome bilayer which will hit specific "targets").  Plasmids are more specific in taht they can deliver DNA into specific genomic sequences, so the specificity of delivery is much higher.  There are other reasons as well such as stability, ease of transcription, etc.

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