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Is there a physiological difference between fear and nervousness (and perhaps other 'stress' like labels)? We're thinking of trying to build a machine learning system based on external body sensors. Eeyong


<DIV>Hello Eeyong,</DIV><BR> <DIV>That's a very interesting question.&nbsp; When I began my search, I initially</DIV> <DIV>included nervousness as part of the query, but did not find many sites of</DIV> <DIV>substance (unless you're researching stage fright, that is!).&nbsp; Anyhow, I</DIV> <DIV>decided to use <A href=" EUDORA="AUTOURL"></A> for my initial search.</DIV><BR> <DIV>My search terms were:</DIV><BR> <DIV>Fear and stress physiological differences</DIV><BR> <DIV>Trusting that university sources would provide sources more adequate to</DIV> <DIV>your question, I chose to look at this site first:</DIV><BR> <DIV><A href=" EUDORA="AUTOURL"></A></DIV> <DIV>and another one from the same source:</DIV> <DIV><A href=" EUDORA="AUTOURL"></A></DIV><BR> <DIV>They are&nbsp; interesting articles with many details on stress and seem to be</DIV> <DIV>addressing the question you've asked.&nbsp; The page provides for some useful</DIV> <DIV>links to further your investigation, and a wonderful bibliography.</DIV><BR> <DIV>I've also found some psychology class notes posted on the web (further</DIV> <DIV>down the results list from my initial inquiry at google).</DIV><BR> <DIV><A href=" EUDORA="AUTOURL"></A></DIV><BR> <DIV>There really seems to be a lot out there for you to look over.&nbsp; If you</DIV> <DIV>find the websites lacking, I would recommend a trip to your local library,</DIV> <DIV>specifically to use their computers, and access their database collection.</DIV> <DIV>A couple databases that come to mind for you to check are:</DIV><BR> <DIV>Academic search premier</DIV> <DIV>Alt-Healthwatch</DIV> <DIV>Biological and agricultural index plus</DIV> <DIV>Encyclopedia of life sciences</DIV> <DIV>HealthSTAR</DIV><BR> <DIV>Psychology and behavioral sciences collection (This one will probably sort</DIV> <DIV>you out the best)</DIV><BR> <DIV>PubMed</DIV> <DIV>Social sciences index</DIV><BR> <DIV>That may seem like quite the list, but I'm not sure what databases</DIV> <DIV>you'll have access to.&nbsp; My best advice would be to try the Psychology</DIV> <DIV>and behavioral science collection first with the search terms:</DIV> <DIV>Fear</DIV> <DIV>Stress</DIV> <DIV>Anxiety</DIV> <DIV>Nervousness</DIV><BR> <DIV>I hope that helps you out on your project,</DIV> <DIV>Marc</DIV><BR><BR>

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