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I would like to know if anyone could answer about 20 questions for a class assignment that i have to do about marine biology. we need to find out information on a career that we would like to pursue in the future. so if you could please email me with your answer.


<P>Greetings!</P> <P>Thank you for sending your question to AskNSDL.&nbsp; Marine biology is an interesting field, and some marine biologists have shared their knowledge and experiences about the field through answers posted on this site. </P> <P>To search the archived answers, click on the tab&nbsp; that says "search archives."&nbsp; Then, type in the phrase:&nbsp; "marine biology."&nbsp;&nbsp; Here are two results.</P> <P>AskNSDL answer, March 23, 2004 re education for becoming a marine biologist, <A href=;id=8469&amp;t">;id=8469&amp;t</A>=</P> <P>AskNSDL answer, Feb. 27, 3004 re field of marine biology and suggestions for students interested in this field,<BR><A href=;id=7128&amp;t">;id=7128&amp;t</A>=</P> <P>It's not clear to me whether or not you need to directly communicate with a marine biologist. The holiday season can be a busy time,&nbsp; and, since none of the AskNSDL experts who are marine biologists have picked up your question, I hope these suggestions will help.&nbsp;<BR><BR>Feel free to submit your question again if you'd like to try to get an answer directly from a marine biologist. Your public library and school library are also good sources of information on this topic.</P> <P>Regards,<BR>Joyce W.<BR></P> Marine biology

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