Ask NSDL Archive

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The NSDL: Use, Build, Join


are the resources in this collection primarily geared toward k-12 or are they also geared toward higher educaition? thank you


Hi Lara,<BR><BR>The collection ranges from K-16 although there isn't much for younger kids, so I'd say it is really more for 4-16. Lots of the questions are asked by adults, some with and some without a science background.&nbsp;<BR><BR>Many of the web sites we point to are for older students through professionals. The FAQs we have created are more for the 4-12 audience.<BR><BR>I am always looking for more resources, on all levels, in any of the STEM areas, so if you would like to see something here that isn;t already here, please let me know at <A href=""></A>&nbsp;<BR><BR>We'd also like to get educators in the service too, whether it is content or practice for the classroom.<BR><BR>I'd be glad to provide more details if you would like more, just let me know at the above email address.<BR><BR>Best,<BR>Blythe Bennett<BR>AskNSDL Coordinator

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