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Instructional issues

Resouce:NSDL Collections

Title: SIECUS: School Health Education Clearinghouse

Information: This project "is sponsored by a five-year cooperative agreement with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC), Division of Adolescent and School Health (DASH). The project is designed to strengthen the capacity of state and local education, health, and social service agencies to help young people at risk for HIV infection, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), unintended pregnancy, and other important health problems. "SIECUS has developed the National School Health Clearinghouse in an effort to give professionals easy access to essential school health information...SIECUS has gathered information and resources from other national organizations as well as state and local departments of education and health. "This section will give access to state and local policies, sexual health promotion programs, national guidelines, information on curricula, and links to additional information on the Web. This section includes information on middle school, high school, and college aged youth and pays particular attention to youth of color."

Category: Instructional issues

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