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Do you shrink as you get older? If so, why?


Hi Andrew, Many elderly people seem to be shrinking because they have a disease called osteoporosis. Osteoporosis refers to thinning of bone (decreasing bone mass and density) resulting from depletion of bone calcium and protein. I did a search in for shrinking osteoporosis and came up with some very good, informative web sites. Take a look at Osteoporosis - Older Adults & Bone Loss. The URL is What You Can do to Prevent Yourself from Shrinking is another good site. The URL is Be sure to visit your school or public library. The librarian can show you books on aging and medicine. The Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine is a very good set that most public and school libraries have. The World Book Encyclopedia will also have information on osteoporosis. Good luck with your research. Thank you for submitting a question to Ask NSDL. Melodye C. Librarian

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