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Is a teenager really someone between the ages 13 and 19? Also does adolescence begin at 13 and ends at 20 as adulthood then begins? Please answer my question as soon as possible.


Hello again Brendan,<BR><BR>I am re-sending the same answer to this question that you asked in April.<BR><BR>Depending on the reason for your question, what state you live in, and what the circumstances are, 18 year olds can be considered teenagers or adults OR both. If it is a legal question, such as when you can drive, purchase alcohol, purchase tobacco products, vote, enlist in the military, go to adult movies, etc. Some states call people at that age "Mature Minors"<BR><BR>This site has a list of what age you need to be to have certain rights such as purchase firearms, serve on jury duty, play the lottery, etc.<BR><A href="></A><BR>Juvenile Law Center<BR><BR>National Youth Rights Association has a definition of age limits<BR><A href="></A><BR><BR>Minors are considered to be anyone under the age of 18.&nbsp;<BR><BR>Technically, since 18 and 19 are in the teen numbers, they can be considered teenagers.<BR><BR>I hope this helps.<BR>

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