Printing Community Services

Community Services Standing Committee

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I am pleased to announce that this meeting will focus on specific tasks that will help to enable the launch of the middle school portal and increase the outreach efforts of projects.

These tasks will also allow the CSSC to work closely with members of the Content standing committee and K-12 Taskforce. But, the tasks do cut across many other communities, too, especially in the area of Teacher Education.

Those tasks are:
clearinghouses of information about efforts to reach various communities

The goal of this meeting is to take steps toward generating real
progress on these issues. If you are interested in working on or taking the lead on coordinating work in any of these areas, please attend!

Notes - Community Services Standing Committee


I. Overview of committee in the past

II. New business

III. Products

Notes from October Meeting

In Attendance


NSDL Community Services: services that help the NSDL community do its work better

About Middle School: Get them to long for the sea

The Middle School Portal-Context

The Middle School Portal-Users

The Middle School Portal-Content

The Middle School Portal-Process

What about the other users?

Next steps

Notes from May Meeting
Location: Houston Hilton Plaza Hotel,
conference room Southgate A
Date and Time: May 30, 2003 11:00am - 12:00 pm

1.Acquainting and acquainting
Ted Hodapp, NSF
Bruce Caron
Brandon Muramatsu

2. Policy committee review
Services task force-expectation that your service will live on
How do services fit into the big NSDL picture
What are the services already in libraries
Inventory of services (survey of the services)
Survey � what happens to Services projects after they are completed

3.Subcommittee reports and other updates

4. A special guest, Francis Molina, fills us in

5. Communities of Practice NSDL feature
sharing and documenting our experiences and knowledge in the area of building functional communities.
Email list, workspace


Communities of practice are groups of people who share a concern, a set of problems, or a passion about a topic, and who deepen their knowledge and expertise in this area by interacting on an ongoing basis.

From Cultivating Communities of Practice, Wenger, McDermott?, Snyder


We will be starting a series of monthly calls where our NSDL colleagues will present their experiences and lessons learned in building effective communities. Each will be followed by open discussion period. Schedule coming soon. Please contact Susan Jesuroga if you would like to make a presentation about your community experience.
Organizational culture
Letting people know what communities of practice�Effective Community Building

5. Review of AP meeting topics and request for speakers (slides)

6. Collab Finder latest

7. Agenda setting for the coming year
a. Needed subcommittees
b. Task forces
c. Nonsubcommittee activities (master calendar)
d. Publications

8. Agenda items suggested by participants

Nuggets to describe best things that are happening in each program
Have knowledge of things that are good fodder for NSF
Who is the NSDL really serving; are we serving the people we set out to serve
What is the constituency
How is the NSDL internally affecting other programs
CCLi projects meeting next Spring


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