Research news and notes from the National Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Education
Digital Library (NSDL) Program [Back Issues]

The Whiteboard Report
November 2005, Issue #84



Sustainability Vignette: WGBH /Teachers' Domain
Sustainability Vignette: WGBH /Teachers By Deb Burns
Teachers' Domain
is an online educational service that helps K-12 educators engage students in learning about science and advance their own science teaching practices. It does this through two related components: (1) a digital library of classroom-ready resources ("collections") and (2) professional development online courses ("courses").

The overarching goal of Teachers' Domain is to produce effective means for getting high quality rich-media into the hands of K-12 science educators and students in forms that are targeted to their teaching and learning needs. Teachers' Domain offers resources in the core subject areas within the science curriculum -- Life Sciences, Physical Sciences/Engineering, and Earth/Space Sciences. By January 2006, Teachers' Domain will have 29 related teacher-training courses available. Find out about how WGBH/Teachers' Domain sustains their work with K-12 science educators at
Related Link:

See you at the NSDL 2005 Annual Meeting News--Denver, Nov. 5-18, 2005
Register for Workshops by Friday November 4:

Detailed Schedule and Schedule Overview available:

Extended Poster Sessions Nov. 16, 5:30-7:30 p.m., and Nov. 17, 3:30-5:30 p.m.

Live NSDL 2005 Annual Meeting Blog
Have you ever wondered how two people can attend the same event at the same time and come away with completely different ideas about what happened? Be prepared to add your comments to NSDL's 2005 Annual Meeting Blog November 15-18, 2005 in Denver, CO.

Reactions to NSDL's Annual Meeting sessions will be recorded in a live blog designed to provide a fast, focused, and flexible format for publishing information and discussions around events, activities, and prevailing themes of the conference moderated by Core Integration's Outreach and Communications Group. The upcoming Annual Meeting promises participants an exciting mix of topics in three days of sessions. Opinions about presentations from a mix of viewpoints--K12 education, libraries, digital library building, and university and college faculty--will be recorded by volunteer community bloggers. Meeting participants will be encouraged to add their comments.

Call or email Carol Minton Morris--607 255-2702 with questions.
Related Link: Feature Watch
View the 15 most recently accepted NSDL resources on display at "New in NSDL." The term "accepted" means that each resource was submitted by an NSDL selector, or by the "general public" via Recommend a Resource at Please contact John Saylor ( with questions.

Contribute to NSDL's new homepage exhibit
One of the ways Core Integration will continue to highlight NSDL people and projects is on the the homepage in an exhibit entitiled "Homepage Highlights" currently displaying a "Resource of Interest" item about "The Gender and Science Digital Library." The display changes weekly. Please propose a 250 word general interest "News," "Resource of Interest," or "New in the Library" homepage highlight. Including one or two illustrative examples of how this item or activity is affecting STEM learning in classrooms will help readers understand the significance of this work.

The schedule is flexible. Anyone interested should feel free to call or email Carol Minton Morris--607 255-2702.
Related Link:

"Tooltime" From the Community Services Standing Committee (CSSC)
The CSSC will offer "Tooltime" teleconferences to "reach into" the community by offering useful demonstrations of sharable technology. "Tooltimes" are online meetings that combine a phone conference with computer demos for presenters to showcase services and projects. Susan Van Gundy will offer the first Tooltime on Tuesday, November 8, at noon eastern time to walk through the newly revamped (which went live last week). She will also offer a tour of the ReadyTalk video conference platform, and discuss its viability for Tooltime use. If you are interested in participating in the community services committee, please sign up for the mailing list at Contact David Yaron, CSSC Chair, with questions.
Related Link:



Ambient Findability: Libraries at the Crossroads of Ubiquitous Computing and the Internet
Ambient Findability: Libraries at the Crossroads of Ubiquitous Computing and the Internet Not so long ago, a library was a room or building with a physical collection. Then came the Internet, and we started talking about digital libraries. Now, having accepted the rather odd concept of an Internet Public Library, we're looking down the barrel of a few billion Delicious Personal Libraries.--Peter Morville, Information Today, Nov. 3, 2005
Related Link:


Your Own Personal Satellite
J-Pass allows users to select up to 10 satellites plus the Shuttle, and choose options for the report format and pass selection. Chose from a list of over 100 satellites and 55 cities to help specify your location. If your city or town is not in the list--you can enter your latitude and longitude.
Related Link:

Published from 2000 to September 2009, NSDL Whiteboard Report Archives provide access to prior issues of the bi-weekly newsletter published by NSDL. To subscribe to current news and information about NSDL, go to the NSDL Community Network site, register as a user, subscribe to and participate in selected features found there. For more information contact Eileen McIlvain