Research news and notes from the National Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Education
Digital Library (NSDL) Program [Back Issues]

The Whiteboard Report
June 2001, Issue #7



Bill Nye the Science Guy
June 2001--How do we create an NSDL that is 'the' premiere science homework destination for young and old alike (among other things), as well as 'the' preferred place to hang around on the Internet In other words, if we build it who will come Diane Hillmann, Metadata Specialist, and John Saylor, Director of Collections Development, 'SITE for Science' were part of a group who met recently with Bill Nye, known nationally as that 'Science Guy on TV,' to get his perspective on this question. Nye has a strong interest in the pedagogy of teaching science and teacher preparation, and mentioned two principles he believes in: STT--'show-then-tell' and ABC--'activity before content.' He is also interested in exploration of all kinds, and is currently collaborating with the Cornell Department of Space Sciences, NASA, and others on the NASA Mars Exploration Rover Project--the 2003 Mission to Mars with landings in 2004.

Michigan Teacher Network will Introduce NSDL to Education Computing Community
June 2001--Ellen Hoffman, Principal Investigator, TeacherLib and Project Director for the Michigan Teacher Network (MTN), Marcia Mardis, Co-PI TeacherLib, and Kate Pittsley, Clearinghouse Librarian MTN will be presenting a concurrent session entitled 'SMETE Digital Library: Possibilities, Promise, and Progress' for the National Educational Computing Association Conference (NECC) in Chicago on June 25. Their presentation will let people know about the NSDL Program focusing on features it will offer the educational computing community along with a discussion of TeacherLib--Digital Community and Collections for Science and Mathematics Teacher Education--and other NSDL projects. It's not too late to register.

'SITE for Science' Set for July 1 Alpha Release
June 2001--The technology model for a National Science Digital Library 'SITE for Science' is scheduled for alpha release on July 1, 2001. You are encouraged to visit the pre-release experimental portal--click on 'About' for current information. Additional features will be added this month: 'Add SITE to your Site,' the first of a set of building tools that will give users the ability to add SITE design elements and active components to their own portals; and 'My SITE,' a portal personalization environment that guides users through creating, storing, retrieving, and editing up to four channels of information. Comments and feedback are most welcome. To find out more download a 'SITE for Science' slide presentation--'right-click' on the link and choose 'Save Target as ...' to save the file locally, or click on the link to view it online in your browser,

Open Code Wars
June 2001--Sensing a shift in the winds of profit, Microsoft has decided to defend its business model and oppose advocates who believe that sharing open-source code creates better software. Microsoft seeks to: 'raise questions about the limits of innovation inherent in the open-source approach and to suggest that companies adopting the approach are putting their intellectual property at risk.' New York Times, 'Microsoft Is Set to Be Top Foe of Free Code,' by John Markoff, May 3, 2001.

OAI is Growing Access to Online Resources
June 2001--There are 27 digital repositories that conform to the Open Access Initiative for Metadata Harvesting Protocol Version 1.0. You may browse the current list of repositories here

Whiteboard Report Expanding to Cover All NSDL Program Activity
June 2001--Whiteboard Report will expand its coverage to serve NSDL projects, programs, and communities nationwide with the July 2001 issue. Co-editors are Cathy Manduca, Outreach Coordinator, Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE) and Carol Terrizzi, Communications Director, Core National Science Digital Library Project at Cornell (SITE for Science). NSDL PIs are invited to send news and notes about progress, accomplishments, and events to Cathy at, or Carol at Common areas of interest include: Collections Development; Community Development, Pedagogy, and Education; Evaluation and User Studies; Shared Governance and Organization; Research Issues; Services and Tools; Standards and Metadata; Intellectual Property and Sustainability and; Technical Infrastructure and Interoperability. Back issues are online at in the 'News' section of the Library.



D-Lib Magazine
June 2001--'Automated Digital Libraries--How Effectively Can Computers Be Used for the Skilled Tasks of Professional Librarianship'.

Review: State-of-the-art in 'Digital Libraries'
June 2001--'Bill Arms offers a comprehensive look at Digital Libraries from many perspectives. He's right: we're just at the beginning of this story. The best is yet to come.' -- Vint Cerf, Senior Vice President, Internet Architecture and Technology, MCI WorldCom.

The Internet and College Excellence
June 2001--A BBC report on research at Rutgers shows that too much late night Internet use contributes to poor college performance for some students.

Shared Science
June 2001--Dr. Paul Ginsparg's eprint archive is having an impact on the nature of modern scientific research and communication.

June 2001--Experience the seventies (again, or for the first time) with an interactive Flash tour of the decade with Wings--the rock band Paul McCartney started after the Beatles broke up. To celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of the Wings tour, McCartney has launched a website that chronicles the history of the band.
Related Link:
June 2001--Jan Ippolito, Assistant Curator of Media at the Guggenheim Museum is developing 'The June 2001--Variable Media Initiative,' a protocol for new media artists that would allow for future patrons to experience their work more directly than through second-hand documentation or anecdote.
Related Link:
June 2001--They're biting at One Fish: 'One internet portal. All fisheries research'.

Published from 2000 to September 2009, NSDL Whiteboard Report Archives provide access to prior issues of the bi-weekly newsletter published by NSDL. To subscribe to current news and information about NSDL, go to the NSDL Community Network site, register as a user, subscribe to and participate in selected features found there. For more information contact Eileen McIlvain