Research news and notes from the National Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Education
Digital Library (NSDL) Program [Back Issues]

The Whiteboard Report
May 2004, Issue #52



NSDL Demonstration on Capitol Hill
May 2004 -- On May 20 in the Hart Senate Office Building in Washington, DC NSDL will have its first opportunity to showcase the library's resources and educational impact to an audience of congressional staff on Capitol Hill. The World at Your Fingertips: A Demonstration of the Nation's New Bridge Between Science, Math, and Education is sponsored by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Cornell University, Columbia University, and the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research with support from the office of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (NY). The event will feature presentations from educators who are using NSDL resources in the classroom and contributing instructional resources into NSDL collections. Varnelle Moore, a kindergarten teacher from Philadelphia, will explain how her experiences with the MathForum have changed her students' learning and her own teaching. Dr. Muniram Budhu, Professor of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics at the University of Arizona and Project Director for the Geotechnical Rock and Water Resources Library (GROW), will speak to the transformational application of NSDL resources in the undergraduate classroom. An introduction to NSDL and its technical and educational goals will be delivered by Dr. William Arms, NSDL Co-PI, of Cornell University.
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NISO, IMLS Announce Update of Framework for Good Digital Collections
May 2004 -- A new version of the Framework of Guidance for Building Good Digital Collections is now freely available for download from the National Information Standards Organization (NISO). The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) transferred maintenance of the Framework to NISO in September 2003; the update is the first product of NISO's advisory group formed to contribute to the document's further development.

The Framework provides a set of high-level principles for identifying, organizing, and applying existing knowledge and resources to collections of digital resources. For each category of Collections, Objects, Metadata, and Projects, the Framework defines general principles relating to quality and provides a list of supporting resources such as standards, guidelines, best practices, explanations, discussions, clearinghouses, and case studies. Originally prepared in 2001 under the auspices of the IMLS, the Framework has earned wide recognition in the library and museum communities and the endorsement of the Chief Officers of State Library Associations as well as the Digital Library Federation.

NISO's advisory group that developed the update is composed of experts from the digital resources community: Priscilla Caplan, chair (Florida Center for Library Automation), Grace Agnew (Rutgers University), Rebecca Guenther (Library of Congress), Ingrid Hsieh-Yee (Catholic University), and Leonard Steinbach (Cleveland Museum of Art). The Advisory Group will continue to aggressively reexamine the Framework. Readers are invited to send their comments and suggestions to on how to improve and expand the Framework.
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ENC Searches Across Collections and Shares Indexing Guidelines on Its DL Site
May 2004 -- ENCdl is a portal to digital resources that have been cataloged in association with ENC. The site,, enables users to search across multiple collections and is the result of a successful experiment to integrate work from different projects. The youngest project represented is the Federal Education Digital Resources Library (FEDRL), a K-12 mathematics and science collection. In April, FEDRL grew to more than 1000 items.

Those interested in digital library cataloging can also access the latest version of the ENCdl Indexing Guidelines on the site. This living document reflects ENC's application of the IEEE Learning Object Metadata (LOM) standard.
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GROW Project at Daughters on Campus Day
May 2004 -- The GROW Project was one of more than 100 activities and workshops available during the 10th UA Daughters on Campus Day. More than 300 young girls ventured through the University of Arizona on Friday, April 23, for a glimpse of nontraditional and diverse career opportunities.

Those who chose to explore the GROW Project, had the opportunity to work hands-on with the virtual labs and interactive learning objects in the GROW collection ( Project Manager, Janice Lodato, and Geological Engineering senior, Gillian O'Brien, provided the girls with a glimpse into civil engineering projects that involve geotechnical (soil), rock, and water resources engineering. The girls used a variety of labs including, testing virtual soil samples to determine water content and measuring rock strength in a virtual Brazilian Tension Test.
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Reusable Learning at NSDL
May 2004 -- Going to JCDL? If so, please consider attending a half-day tutorial on using reusable design guidelines to improve the utility of digital libraries and collections. The tutorial will present reusable design guidelines being developed as an NSDL service ( together with case studies by NSDL projects that are implementing and supporting the guidelines. This will be followed by a general discussion of how educational digital libraries can increase the reusability and interoperability of their content.

The announcement can be found at Participation by NSDL projects will be greatly appreciated! The organizers look forward to getting your feedback on the draft guidelines and to sharing ideas for increasing the reusability of content in NSDL collections. Please send questions to
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Upcoming Conference Paper and Registration Deadlines
European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL) 2004
September 12-17 2004, University of Bath, UK
Full papers, panels, tutorials, and workshop proposals: April 5, 2004
Posters and demonstrations: May 19, 2004
Final submission date: June 11, 2004

2004 International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications
October 11-14,2004, Shanghai, China
Paper submission: May 1, 2004
Acceptance notification: June 1 2004

Thirty Eighth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
January 3-6, 2005, Hilton Waikoloa Village Resort, Hawaii
Contact Minitrack Chairs: March 31, 2004
Paper submission: June 15, 2004
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Upcoming Conference Dates
National Educational Computing Conference: "Jammin' With Technology"
June 20-23, 2004, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, Louisiana
Registration deadlines: May 21, regular

American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) 2004 Annual Conference and Exposition
June 20-23, Salt Lake City, Utah
Registration deadlines: June 2, advance; After June 2, on site

MathFest 2004: MAA's Annual Summer Meeting
August 12-14, Providence, RI
Registration deadlines: June 30
Early bird; After June 30, regular
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Open Access and Cost Recovery
Martin Blume, Editor-in-Chief, American Physical Society, believes that `We have to be able to recover our costs."--Frontline, Vol. 21, Issue 02
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IBM, Textbook Shortages, and Technology,1713,BDC_2462_2851810,00.html
"This fall, all fifth- and sixth- graders at the suburban Forney Independent School District will be hauling all their textbooks around all the time. Oh, and each will also be carrying around 2,000 works of literature."--Daily, May 3, 2004
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Library for Information Architecture
The Asilomar Institute for Information Architecture (AIfIA) announces the opening of the Information Architecture Library, an international collection of the best articles, books, blogs, guides, reports, and other resources related to the field of information architecture.
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"Shelflife" from the Research Libraries Group (RLG)
This weekly e-mailed report keeps you up on trends in technology and information management for research collections-the context for many RLG initiatives. Subscribe at
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Sharing Digital Resources: Selected papers from the Fifth Annual Conference on Libraries and Museums
Sponsored by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and the University of Illinois at Chicago, March 3-5 2004, Chicago.
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Sharing Digital Resources: Selected papers from the Fifth Annual Conference on Libraries and Museums (DUPLICATE)
Sponsored by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and the University of Illinois at Chicago, March 3-5 2004, Chicago.
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This web site was created to explore United Stated District Judge Lewis A. Kaplan's memorandum order in which he indicated that executable source code was not subject to First Amendment protection against prior restraint of speech. Judge Kaplan's position is that source code can be legally differentiated from other forms of written expression.
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Published from 2000 to September 2009, NSDL Whiteboard Report Archives provide access to prior issues of the bi-weekly newsletter published by NSDL. To subscribe to current news and information about NSDL, go to the NSDL Community Network site, register as a user, subscribe to and participate in selected features found there. For more information contact Eileen McIlvain