Research news and notes from the National Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Education
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The Whiteboard Report
April 2001, Issue #5



Paul Ginsparg on 'Creating a Global Knowledge Network'
April 2001--In 1991 Paul Ginsparg, a physicist at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, developed the first electronic pre-print Currently at 3,000 article submissions per month, and 35,000 per year, the Los Alamos archive has become a robust and growing Physics, Mathematics, Non-linear Sciences, and Computer Science scholarly publications repository with dedicated worldwide users. Mr. Ginsparg spoke at Cornell on April 3 about how a new model for a knowledge network for research communications infrastructure might function. Mr. Ginsparg received his PhD from Cornell in 1981.

Harvesting Pubscience Records with OAI
April 2001--The Department of Energy's Pubscience, a 'SITE for Science' collaborator, has implemented v1.1.1 of the eprints software from that includes support for the Open Archives Initiative Protocol. The robustness of the OAI software will allow for test harvesting of metadata records for distribution through 'SITE for Science' collections. Please contact John Saylor if you are interested in learning more about how to be a SITE for Science collaborator.

Love of Metadata
April 2001--Diane I. Hillmann, metadata specialist for the National Science Digital Library 'SITE for Science' Project at Cornell, was the keynote speaker at a workshop entitled 'Metadata, Online Education, and the CanCore Protocol.' The workshop, hosted by TeleEd New Brunswick,, and the Electronic Text Centre,, at the University of New Brunswick was held on the campus of the University of New Brunswick in Fredricton, with participants from online education projects from as far away as British Columbia to the west and Nova Scotia to the east. Ms. Hillmann's presentation, entitled 'Why I Love Metadata, and Why You Should, Too,' was followed by sessions on 'Practical April Applications of Metadata on the Web' and 'IMS and CanCore: Metadata for the Online Education Sector' presented by Marc Bragdon and Sue Fisher, on staff at the Electronic Text Centre.

'SITE for Science' Demonstration at CNI
April 2001--Bill Arms presented a technology demonstration featuring the 'SITE for Science' portal at the Coalition for Networked Infomation Spring Task Force Meeting on April 9 in Washington, D.C. Arms demonstrated scaleable library sections that match user interests, tools, and selected collections and materials of special interest including 'News' and 'Science Pictures.' Public alpha release of 'SITE for Science' version 1.0 is scheduled for July 1.

GEM/CU 'SITE for Science' Plan Collaboration
April 2001--Last month SITE researchers met with Stuart Sutton, Nancy Morgan and Ryan Laundry from the Gateway to Education Materials Consortium. They will exchange information and materials on a full-text project, an implementation of the Open Archives Initiative Protocol version 1.0, as well as a release of a simple Dublin Core editor user tool 'GEM Cat 4.' NSDL at Cornell will also join the GEM Consortium.



D-Lib Magazine
April 2001--'Growing a National Learning Environments and Resources Network for Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology Education,' by Lee Zia, March 2001.

Research Libraries Group on OAI and the Deep Web
April 2001--'Originally, the Open Archive Initiative grew out of the need to enhance access to scholarly e-print archives, but the participants soon realized that the technology framework they were developing could be applied to a broader range of applications and have embodied this expansive vision within the initiative's mission statement.' 'Touring the Information Landscape: The Open Archives Initiative' by Lennie Stovel, Focus, Research Libraries Group, April 2001.

D-Lib Magazine
April 2001--'Searching the Deep Web, Directed Query Engine Applications at the Department of Energy,' January 2001.

Metadata Path to the Right Picture
April 2001--'The digital imaging industry has developed a crucial new standard that will allow computers to efficiently find pictures based on metadata, or text that describes each image. And researchers are working to make entering that text as effortless as possible.' 'Image problem' by David Orenstein, Business 2.0, April 3, 2001.

No Wires
April 2001--A report on last year's Computer Science 502 wireless class experiment features findings of CS Professor Bill Arms and Department of Communication Professor Geri Gay.

April 2001--After the Big Bang: the forces of change and e-learning: Pete Johnston examines what recent developments in the area of 'e-learning' might mean for the custodians of the information resources required to support teaching and learning. *Metadata (1): Encoding OpenURLs in DC metadata: Andy Powell and Ann Apps prose a mechanism for embedding machine parsable citations ieto Dublin Core (DC) metada records.ts *Metadata (2): Towards consensus on educational metadata: Paul Miller describes the work of the UK's new cross-sectoral Metadata for Education Group (MEG) and calls for widespread support of their first deliverable - the MEG Concord.

Tuning into school
April 2001--The Global School Network provides a FREE K-12 education portal for teachers, parents, and students, providing resources, research tools, and grade-specific activities in one convenient place. This page directs users to different 'channels' of topic information.

Interface Design for the Wireless
April 2001--What do wireless web design and airplane food design have in common? Find out in August de los Reyes 'Big Ideas, Small Screens: Design for Wireless Devices,' The Edge newsletter, Macromedia, April 2001.

April 2001--Artist David Bunn gained possession of the Los Angeles Central Library's two-million-card catalog in 1990. Since then the defunct card catalog has learned to speak with a lyrical voice under Bunn's artistic guidance.
Related Link:

MIT Free Learning
April 2001--College for free. Find out about a new paradigm for public elearning from MIT.

Published from 2000 to September 2009, NSDL Whiteboard Report Archives provide access to prior issues of the bi-weekly newsletter published by NSDL. To subscribe to current news and information about NSDL, go to the NSDL Community Network site, register as a user, subscribe to and participate in selected features found there. For more information contact Eileen McIlvain