Research news and notes from the National Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Education
Digital Library (NSDL) Program [Back Issues]

The Whiteboard Report
December 2003, Issue #42



What's in a Project Name?
December 2003-- Red Hat has recently attempted to assert trademark over the name "Fedora" and has applied for to US Patent and Trademark office for official registered trademark status. Cornell University and the University of Virginia's Fedora Project, which has developed and released open source digital library management software, ( has been around since 1997. Red Hat seeks control of the name "Fedora" and if successful could prevent the Cornell/UVA team from using it. How important is name identity to academically-oriented projects? Read more in:
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Grow Project Award
December 2003-- Resources Library (GROW) Project from the University of Arizona won the 2003 MAX Award in the Education Experiences category for applications created by educational institutions in K-12 and Higher Ed. This prestigious award was presented to GROW at the 2003 Macromedia Conference on November 20 in Salt Lake City, Utah. For more information, please go to: or visit the GROW site at:
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First General Release of Collection Workflow Integration System (CWIS)
December 2003-- The Internet Scout Project announces the release of CWIS 1.0.0. This turnkey, open source software package helps groups or organizations put an NSDL collection portal online and integrate it with the NSDL central repository via OAI with minimal investment in technical resources or expertise. The CWIS software is now available and may be downloaded at:

Changes and additions from CWIS 0.9.4 include:
-RSS and OAI testing links
-Improved user account management
-Software registration option
-Various minor bug fixes

If you are already using SPT (the Scout Portal Toolkit), or an earlier version of CWIS, upgrading to CWIS 1.0.0 should be seamless.

Feedback is greatly encouraged and will help to improve the software's functionality and effectiveness. Bug reports and comments regarding CWIS should be sent to:
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Metadata Demonstration in NSDL Labview
December 2003-- Metadata in the NSDL could be improved with little expenditure using automated methods. This demonstration shows how existing technologies such as metadata scraping tools and a Static OAI Gateway could be used to augment NSDL metadata. Take a look under the hood of research at > Of Interest > Labview. Send feedback about the Automatic Metadata Enhancement Labview to Donna Bergmark .
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Call for Proposals: The Illinois Online Conference (IOC) set for 2004
December 2003-- The proposals for the Illinois Online Conference are due December 10th. If you think that someone might have an appropriate presentation for this conference but may not feel comfortable with the online format contact Deborah Hutti at 217.234.5273 for assistance, Mentors will be assigned to all presenters who will be available to support presenters as they submit their online presentations to the conference web site and also on the days of the conference. If you have questions, contact Deborah Hutti at 217.234.5273
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Teaching Geoscience with Visualizations: Using Images, Animations, and Models Effectively
December 2003-- On February 26-28, 2004 this workshop will bring together geoscientists who are leaders in using visualizations in their classroom, cognitive scientists who study how we perceive and learn from visualizations, and creators of visualizations and visualization tools at Carleton College in Northfield Minnesota. Participants will consider what we know about using visualizations effectively to teach geoscience, what important questions need to be answered to improve our ability to teach effectively, and what resources are needed to increase the capability of teaching with visualizations in the geosciences. Participation is limited to 30 people. The application deadline is December 16, 2003.

For more information about the workshop and/or to complete the on-line application form, please go to:
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Upcoming Conference Paper and Registration Deadlines
December 2003-- Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education
March 1-6, 2004, Atlanta, Georgia
Final call for presentations:
December 5, 2003
Early registration: January 12, 2004

Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL) 2004 -- Global Reach and Diverse Impact
June 7-11, 2004, London, Tucson, Arizona
Full papers, panels, and tutorial proposals: January 15, 2004
Short papers, posters, proposals for workshops: February 10, 2004
Demonstrations: March 31, 2004

European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL) 2004
September 12-17 2004, University of Bath, UK
Full papers, panels, tutorials, and workshop proposals: April 5, 2004
Posters and demonstrations: May 19, 2004
Final submission date: June 11, 2004
Related Link:


Historical Statistics on Internet Access in U.S. Public Schools and Classrooms: 1994-2002
December 2003-- "This report presents data on Internet access in U.S. public schools from 1994 to 2002 by school characteristics ( It provides trend analysis on the progress of public schools and classrooms in connecting to the Internet and on the ratio of students to instructional computers with Internet access. For the year 2002, this report also presents data on the types of Internet connections used; student access to the Internet outside of regular school hours; laptop computer loans; hand-held computers for students and teachers; and school Web sites. It also contains information on computer hardware, software, and Internet support and Web site support at the school; teacher professional development on how to integrate the use of the Internet into the curriculum; and technologies and procedures to prevent student access to inappropriate material on the Internet."
Related Link:

Using Web Pages as References in Research Papers
December 2003-- (short demographic survey required for access to The Washington Post)
"It was in the mundane course of getting a scientific paper published that physician Robert Dellavalle came to the unsettling realization that the world was dissolving before his eyes.

The world, that is, of footnotes, references and Web pages."-- by Rick Weiss, The Washington Post, Nov. 24, 2003
Related Link:

Live Webcast from the Library of Congress on Dec. 3 at 10:30 am. EST
December 2003-- (viewable with Real Player software).
"No Longer Under Our Control: The Nature and Role of Standards in the 21st Century Library" is part of the LOC Luminary Lecture series. Dr. William E. Moen, who will deliver the lecture, is an Associate Professor, School of Library and Information Sciences; Fellow, Texas Center for Digital Knowledge, University of North Texas. A recorded webcast will be made available on that site after the event.
Related Link:

December 2003-- "Every teacher a grant-writer. Every citizen a philanthropist."
Related Link:

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