Research news and notes from the National Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Education Digital Library (NSDL) Program [Back Issues] ![]() |
July 2003, Issue #33 | |
NEWS Internet2 Releases Privacy-Preserving Web Authorizing Software July 2003-- On July 1 Internet2 announced the availability of Shibboleth 1.0, the first production version of software implementing a leading online authorization architecture. Shibboleth, which is standards-based and open source, incorporates active privacy management while enabling inter-institutional sharing of Web resources subject to access controls.
"We are excited by the increasing momentum and dedication of the developers, as demonstrated by the release of Shibboleth 1.0," said David Millman, Director of Research and Development at Academic Information Systems, Columbia University and member of the National Science Digital Library (NDSL) Core Integration Team. "NSDL has long been committed to the Shibboleth technology because of its scalable, distributed architecture and its privacy protections, both critical goals of the NSDL itself." Related Link: Gender & Science Digital Library and Effective Access at 2003 Merlot International Conference July 2003-- The Gender & Science Digital Library & Effective Access projects will conduct a panel presentation at the 2003 Merlot International Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia (August 5-8). The panel will focus on the "Role of Digital Libraries in High School Teaching of STEM", and will highlight some of the challenges to fully integrating digital libraries into the classroom, specifically around areas of usability and user-centered design. Panelists include Katherine Hanson, PI for the Effective Access & GSDL projects and vice-chair of the NSDL Policy Committee; Sarita Nair, project director for the GSDL; Marcia Mardis, project director of the Michigan Teacher Network; and Wesley Shumar, Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Drexel University and Ethnographer with the MathForum. The panel will be conducted on Wednesday August 6th at 10 am, at the Hyatt Regency Vancouver. Call for NSDL Annual Meeting Co-Presenters - Deadline Extended to July 18 July 2003-- Sharing Your Stories: Sustaining Collaborations is the primary theme for the 2003 NSDL Annual Meeting. In this spirit, the Meeting's planning committee is seeking co-presenters to share their work and experiences during panel discussions, workshops, and other conference sessions. The quality and relevancy of these sessions will be greatly enhanced for all participants by having session leaders from a broad range of NSDL projects. So, in addition to the informational poster that we hope all projects will bring to the meeting, we urge you to consider adding your voice to a session presentation.
Please go to the website to review the draft session descriptions. A form is provided to indicate your interest in co-presenting, and will prompt you to briefly describe the aspect of your project you wish to share. Please submit your interest form by July 18. Someone from the planning committee will be in contact with you. Related Link:; Communities of Practice Presentation July 2003-- On July 9 Chris Klaus (PI, Atmospheric Visualization Collection) talked about his experience building community in his NSDL project. After providing background about the project, Chris talked about three primary communities that are involved: researchers, K-12 teachers, and the developers of the visualization software. A Lesson Plan Sandbox, using a wiki on the the NSDL communications portal, proved to be a key element for teacher participation, allowing them to submit their lesson plans to share with others, to review submitted lesson plans, and to improve existing lesson plans. Workshops and other outreach activities were also helpful in engaging these communities directly.
Slides from the talk are available and an audio transcript of the presentation and following Q&A session will be posted shortly. Related Link: NEW Upcoming Conference Paper Deadlines July 2003-- Semantic Web Technologies for Searching and Retrieving Scientific Data Workshop (in conjunction with The Second International Semantic Web Conference)
October 20, 2003, Sundial Resort, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA Papers: July 18, 2003 Notification of acceptance: August 22, 2003 Submission of camera-ready version: September 19, 2003 National Education Computing Conference (NECC) June 21-23, 2004, New Orleans, LA. Proposals: start August 29 until October 8, 2003 The 13th ASIST SIG/CR Workshop on Classification Research Papers: August 31, 2003 Notification of acceptance: September 15, 2003 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) April, 24-29, 2004, Vienna Austria Abstract: September 29, 2003 Deadline: October 6, 2003 Related Link:;; PROJECT PROFILE BOOKMARKS Researchers Create Robotic 'Semi-living Artist' July 2003-- "U.S. and Australian researchers have created what they call a new class of creative beings, "the semi-living artist" -- a picture-drawing robot in Perth, Australia whose movements are controlled by the brain signals of cultured rat cells in Atlanta."--Grid Today, July 7,2003
Related Link: Free Public Access to Science--Will It Happen? July 2003-- If Congressman Martin Sabo of Minnesota has his way, the results of federally funded research in science and medicine will be available freely to all. Rep. Sabo introduced a bill, Public Access to Science Act, HR 2613, on June 26, 2003. The proposed legislation states that copyright protection is not allowed for any work produced as a result of federally funded research. By Miriam A. Drake, Information Today. Inc., July 14, 2003
Related Link: Institute for Women and Technology July 2003-- "Changing the World for Women and Technology"evaluating technical systems.
Related Link: Librarians Size Up Internet Filter Law's Impact July 2003-- The two sides in the battle over requiring libraries to use Internet pornography filters differed sharply today over whether the Supreme Court had limited intellectual freedom or taken a stand to shield minors from obscenity. By John Schwartz, New York Times, June 24, 2003
Related Link: Beyond Productivity, Information Technology, Innovation, and Creativity July 2003-- A partnership between the Computer Science and Telecommunications Board (CSTB) and the Rockefeller Foundation has resulted in a report from a study conducted by The Committee on Information Technology and Creativity published by the National Academies.
The report argues that, "at the beginning of the 21st century, information technology (IT) is forming a powerful alliance with creative practices in the arts and design to establish the exciting new domain of information technology and creative practices--ITCP." Related Link: INSPIRATION July 2003-- Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Advanced Collaboratory (HASTAC)--An effort to expand methodologies around evaluating technical systems.
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