Research news and notes from the National Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Education
Digital Library (NSDL) Program [Back Issues]

The Whiteboard Report
January 2003, Issue #26



January 2003-- rode the new year in on a wave of national attention and bad weather in the Northeast. Susan Roth, Gannett Washington News Bureau, filed a Gannett wire service story about t he NSDL on New Year's Day. Since then her article has been appearing in newspapers around the country--local Gannett newspapers: ("News for Nerds, Stuff that Matters") pointed to the USA Today article about the NSDL that has generated over sixty comments so far. Read this lively threaded discussion at: Hear the Minnesota Public Radio Future Tense interview with NSDL Collections Development Director John Saylor this month at Neither storm-related power outages, or enthusiastic visitors have affected performance at The average current http connection rate at is 337 per minute.
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Internet Filters Also Block Health Information
January 2003-- The library community has fought hard, both in court and in the court of public opinion to keep Internet filter from becoming a fact of life in America's libraries. And now a new study confirms what librarians have argued all along: Internet filters are not effective and can gave a negative impact on what information is available. The study, entitled SEE NO EVIL: HOW INTERNET FILTERS AFFECT THE SEARCH FOR ONLINE HEALTH INFORMATION, released by the Henry Kaiser Family Foundation, tested the six most commonly used filters at the least, intermediate, and most restrictive settings. It concludes that the Internet filters most frequently used by schools and libraries can effectively block pornography without significantly impeding access to online health information, but only if they are set at their least restrictive levels. When set at higher levels, they do in fact block access to a substantial amount of health information, with only a minimal increase in blocked pornographic content. For more information, consult the full results of the study, which were published in the December 11,2002 issue of THE JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. An executive summary can be found at -- Library Journal Academic Newswire, The Book Report, December 17, 2002.
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"Ask NSDL" Based on Nationally Acclaimed Question and Answer Service "AskEric?"
January 2003-- "When John Matthias, a second-grade teacher at Linden Hill Elementary School, located near Wilmington, Delaware, needed quick answers to his questions about the effectiveness of homework for elementary students, he logged onto the award-winning AskERIC? Web site: Within a few minutes, he was able to access some of the latest research on the subject." -- Orangebytes, Dec. 2002, Vol.1, Issue 1.
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Gender & Science Digital Library Goes Live
January 2003-- The Gender & Science Digital Library from Education Development Center, Inc., was one of 9 NSDL collections to be launched during December's NSDL All Projects meeting! The GSDL collection, which features gender-healthy STEM resources, is now available for K-16+ students, educators, and researchers. Aside from its search tools, the library features current gender-centered education and science news, as well as upcoming diversity and STEM-related events. To increase accessibility of resources to its users, GSDL highlights resources within the collection, which might be of particular relevance to certain audience groups such as students, teachers and faculty, adult learners, and researchers. Over the coming months, the GSDL will continue to enhance its interface, services, access, and usability while strengthening its interoperability within the NSDL. For more information, please visit the GSDL at
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NSDL Best Practices Resource List in Development
January 2003-- The Content Standing Committee is developing a resource list that will include best practices from across the NSDL community.This resource will be shared with the entire NSDL community when it has been compiled. Please take a moment and look at the following categories. If you have developed an exemplary resource that would fall under one or more of the categories, please send document (s) or URL (s) including appropriate contact information to Kim Roempler Ideas for new categories are welcome. The Best Practices Resource will support projects in their continuing growth and development. 1. Privacy Policy --a. ENC Privacy Policy- --b. Contact Information-Gay Gordon, 2. Collection Development Policy 3. Catalog Record 4. Search Interface-Simple and Advanced 5. Navigation 6. Accessibility tools or structures 7. Processing Guidelines 8. Indexing Guidelines 9. Ideas on Sustainability 10. Power Point Presentations --a. Metadata --b. Mission of NSDL --c. --d. Others 11. Archiving/Preservation? 12. Peer Review Process (including criteria) 13. How to suggest resources 14. How to submit resources 15. Annotations 16. Project Evaluation
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Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, May 27-31, 2003
January 2003-- The Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, to be held in Houston, Texas, is a major international forum focusing on digital libraries and associated technical, practical, and social issues. JCDL encompasses the many meanings of the term "digital libraries", including (but not limited to) new forms of information institutions; operational information systems with all types of digital content; new means of selecting, collecting, organizing, and distributing digital content; digital preservation and archiving; and theoretical models of information media, including document genres and electronic publishing. Important Dates: January 13, 2003 Full papers, panel and tutorial proposals due February 20, 2003 Short papers, posters, proposals for workshops and demonstrations due March 31, 2003 Final submissions due For submission details, see
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IMLS Annual Meeting
January 2003-- The Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS), will hold the 2003 Web-Wise Conference from February 26-28, 2003 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. The theme for this year's program is Sustaining Digital Resources. Although there is no cost to attend, all participants are required to register in advance at Upon submitting your on-line registration, you will receive a detailed confirmation letter via email.If you have questions, please contact Matt Burdetsky via email, or by phone at (703) 536-4993.
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Digital Projects Relevant to Science Libraries
January 2003-- The Metropolitan New York Library Council (METRO) Science Librarians Special Interest Group will meet on Tuesday February 11th with the theme of Digital Projects relevant to Science Libraries. Kate Wittenberg, Columbia University, will introduce the NSDL. For more information contact Bruce Slutsky - Technical Reference Librarian, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Robert Van Houten Library, 323 Martin Luther King Blvd. Newark, NJ 07102.

NSDL Fourth Annual Meeting--Mark Your Calendars
January 2003-- NSDL Fourth Annual Meeting--Mark Your Calendars.



Scientific Publishing: Can a Couple of New Journals Really Make a Difference?
January 2003-- Representatives for the Public Library of Science (PLoS?), the grass-roots movement of scientists who announced that its members would refuse to support journals that did not make their research freely available within six months of publication, has received initial funding for its own journals. Supported by a $9 million grant from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, PLoS? officials will begin two peer-reviewed online journals: PLOS BIOLOGY and PLOS MEDICINE. No initial publication date has been announced. While the new journals will retain peer review and other features of traditional academic journals, they will make all published works immediately freely available online, with no restrictions on subsequent redistribution or use. -- Library Journal Academic Newswire, The Book Report, December 19, 2002.
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January 2003-- You may subscribe to this blog with discussions and information about library cataloging, classification, metadata, subject access and related topics.
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Elsevier's Vanishing Act
January 2003-- "As more and more scientific literature is moved from print to a digital environment, they (librarians and scholars who study the history of science and medicine) fear, holes in databases could leave researchers ignorant of why certain articles were considered questionable -- and may even lead to poor medical treatments and faulty scientific research. And, scholars ask, shouldn't researchers be warned about authors who plagiarize, or commit scientific fraud or misconduct?" -- The Chronicle of Higher Education: Information Technology, Jan. 10, 2003.
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New Issue: First Monday
January 2003-- The Usability of Open Source Software, Digitizing Old Photographs for the Web, A Gendered World: Students and Instructional Technologies, and more.
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January 2003 Inspiration
January 2003-- CA256583&publication=libraryjournal "As technological advances are literally reinventing their profession, librarians can take a cue from John Perry Barlow. The son of a Wyoming State Senator and a 1969 graduate of Wesleyan University, CT, Barlow has gone through quite a reinvention himself. As late as 1988 Barlow was punching cattle at the Bar Cross Land and Livestock Company in Cora, WY. Just a few short years later, in 1992, he published the landmark article "The Economy of Ideas" for Wired magazine, one of the most influential pieces ever written on the nature of information in the age of technology."--By Andrew Richard Albanese, Library Journal, Nov. 11,2002 Cornell University Library Annual Report 2001-02
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Published from 2000 to September 2009, NSDL Whiteboard Report Archives provide access to prior issues of the bi-weekly newsletter published by NSDL. To subscribe to current news and information about NSDL, go to the NSDL Community Network site, register as a user, subscrib