Research news and notes from the National Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Education
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The Whiteboard Report
August 2007, Issue #118



Fedora Commons Awarded $4.9M for Start-up of Non-profit Organization to Develop Open Source Software
Ithaca, New York, August 13, 2007--Fedora Commons, today announced the award of a four year, $4.9M grant from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation to develop the organizational and technical frameworks necessary to effect revolutionary change in how scientists, scholars, museums, libraries, and educators collaborate to produce, share, and preserve their digital intellectual creations. Fedora Commons is a new non-profit organization that will continue the mission of the Fedora Project, the successful open-source software collaboration between Cornell University and the University of Virginia. The Fedora Project evolved from the Flexible Extensible Digital Object Repository Architecture (Fedora) developed by researchers at Cornell Computing and Information Science.

The Fedora Commons web site at is the new home of Fedora, the robust integrated repository-centered platform software that enables the storage, access and management of virtually any kind of digital content. The site offers information and services for communities of practice that include scholars, artists, educators, Web innovators, publishers, scientists, librarians, archivists, publishers, records managers, museum curators or anyone who presents, accesses, or preserves digital content, and software developers who work on the cutting edge of open source Web and enterprise content technologies. Features include a portfolio of examples of Fedora in use globally by diverse discipline communities from many cultures. Access to up-to-date documentation and information that includes the first in a series of three short media pieces entitled, Access and Management Stories From the Fedora Community, Part One: Digital Libraries and Collections are also available on the web site. Future features—a structured community wiki site and a Where in the World is Fedora interactive map utilizing community-developed Fedora repository features—are under construction. Contact Carol Minton Morris for more information at 607 255-2707 or
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