Research news and notes from the National Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Education
Digital Library (NSDL) Program [Back Issues]

The Whiteboard Report
June 2007, Issue #116



Teachers' Domain Launches Open Educational Resources
On June 1, 2007 Teachers' Domain announced the launch of Open Educational Resources--video segments, interactive activities, and lesson plans in earth science, engineering, life science, and physical science that are downloadable, sharable, and re-mixable. Whether you download them to your own computer, share them with your students and colleagues, or edit them to create your own educational media, Teachers' Domain is proud to provide high-quality materials to help you learn and teach.

The Teachers' Domain Collections are FREE for anyone to use and are comprised of carefully chosen and edited online resources, multimedia learning tools, and corresponding lesson plans from NOVA and other award-winning PBS programs. Currently providing more than 1,000 resources, a third of which will now be available as Open Educational Resources, Teachers' Domain covers all key topics in science and is now expanding into the humanities. To see Teachers' Domain's new Open Educational Resources in action, please click here : to view an exciting sample resource entitled "What is a Planet?".

Teachers' Domain is an online educational service with two related components--collections and courses--that help teachers enhance their students' learning experiences and advance their own teaching skills. It's free and easy to register. Find fresh new ideas to get your students excited and engaged in learning!

Funding for presenting Open Educational Resources on Teachers' Domain is provided by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. Teachers' Domain is the National Science Digital Library Pathway to Multimedia Resources for the Classroom, funded by the National Science Foundation.
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The Achievement Standards Network (ASN)--Ready for Prime Time!
Are you ready to correlate resources to state academic standards? The ASN is ready to help. The NSDL Achievement Standards Network (ASN) now contains all of the states' standards for math, science, and English language arts. For free access to the database, go to If you would like an in-house copy of the states' standards, an RDF/XML distribution is available through an annual subscription. Once your resources have been correlated, ASN provides the networked technical infrastructure for applications to freely access the standards text for inclusion in your metadata to facilitate searching and browsing. For more information contact Diny Golder, JES & Co., at or visit the documentation site at
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For Teachers: NSDL/NSDL Web Seminar Using Digital Phenomena and Representations on June 19
Scientific phenomena and representations are key components of instructional materials. However, searching for appropriate content-aligned and instructionally effective online representations and phenomena can be challenging. The NSF-funded NSDL PRISMS Project (with Page Keeley, incoming NSTA president as principal investigator) has built a collection of reviewed online phenomena and representations. These resources have been analyzed and annotated by reviewers using content alignment and instructional quality criteria based on the AAAS/Project 2061 Curriculum Materials Evaluation. Join the Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance PRISMS staff in an interactive Web seminar on June 19th at 6:30-8:30 ET as we explore the PRISMS collection and learn about the qualities of effective phenomena and representations. The seminar is designed for grades 6-9 educators, including pre-service teachers, science education specialists, and curriculum developers. The presenter will be Chad Dorsey, Science and Educational Technology Specialist at the Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance. Register today:!

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Award Winning Pathways Web Site: Chemistry Comes Alive!
If you're a fan of the chemistry that makes things explode, glow, sputter, spin and change color, the Journal of Chemical Education has a Web site that will thrill your inner chemist.

Produced at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the Web site Chemistry Comes Alive! features hundreds of videos of ice bombs, dust explosions, beating hearts made of mercury and the bizarre behavior of ferro fluids, all aimed at demonstrating concepts in chemistry.

What's more, the site now has the distinction of receiving the 2006 Pirelli Internetional Award for chemistry, a prestigious Web award that comes with a cash prize of 15,000 euro. The award was presented earlier this month in the Temple of Hadrian in Rome.

Jon Holmes, editor of the Journal of Chemical Education Software explained that the site is geared for the general public and intended to share the awe-inspiring phenomena and beauty of chemistry. "We want to communicate to the public that science and chemistry, specifically, is exciting, thought-provoking and beautiful."

The Chemistry Comes Alive site is produced and maintained in the UW-Madison chemistry department by Holmes, chemistry professor John Moore and videographer Jerry Jacobsen. The site is a publication of the Journal of Chemical Education, which is owned and operated by the Division of Chemical Education of the American Chemical Society. This collection of video is to be catalogued as part of the NSDL Chemical Education Digital Library pathway project.

Established in 1996, the Pirelli Internetional Award is intended to foster the diffusion of scientific culture worldwide. Its chemistry selection committee includes one Nobel Laureate in chemistry.

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Second Reminder--Calling All School Librarians!
Download the NSDL Toolbar and give us your feedback about how to make the National Science Digital Library more useful in meeting your needs! Fill out the survey and you'll enter in a drawing for an gift card. To enter, go to this link to learn how the NSDL Toolbar can make searches through NSDL easier, and download it to your browser. You can then fill out the survey here:

Questions? Contact Robert Payo, NSDL Education and Outreach Specialist at

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This Week in NSDL's Blogosphere
"Nine-Year-Olds Describe The Internet" What happens when you connect children to conceptual ideas about what the Internet is and how it works? Jen Wofford, assistant dean in Computing and Information Science at Cornell University, introduced ten third and fourth-graders of native and non-native English-speaking children to the Internet in the community room of their apartment complex in Ithaca, NY to find out . . . .

"Digital Divides In and For Digital Libraries" In this blog post Marcia Mardis explains four types of digital divides. "For digital libraries, it's important to understand for those of us with equipment, skills, unfettered access, and motivation, that DLs are being implemented into highly complex and diverse environments. Outreach is so important if we want to help people gain access to high quality information for learning and personal growth."

Whiteboard Report 2007 Summer Schedule
NSDL Whiteboard Report will be published on June 28 (deadline for submissions: Tuesday, June 26), and Aug. 7 (deadline for submissions: Friday, Aug. 3). Regular bi-weekly publication will resume with the Sept. 4, 2007 issue.



Making the School Library Sticky: Digital Libraries Build Teacher-Librarians Strategic Implementatio
An article in the June issue of Teacher Librarian (vol. 34, no. 5) by Marcia Mardis and Robert Payo discusses how school librarians can increase their role in curriculum by using digital library resources with teachers and students. The article features NSDL projects the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, eSkeletons, FunWorks, Optics for Kids, and the National Library of Virtual Math Manipulatives.

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CI-Team Community Building Workshop
A solicitation for a third round of funding for the NSF Cyberinfrastructure Training, Education, Advancement, and Mentoring (CI-TEAM) Program has been released with a deadline for proposals of August 27, 2007. See for additional details. Prospective CI-TEAM applicants attending this workshop will learn about the program solicitation, have the opportunity to develop collaborations with current awardees, and have time to talk with NSF program officers to help them in the design and preparation of proposals.

Current CI-TEAM awardees and prospective CI-TEAM applicants are invited to attend to learn about the CI-TEAM program. Please register by June 8 for the workshop. Limited travel support may be available.

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HASS COMPUTING for the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences:
This summer workshop is open to faculty and students in the humanities, arts, and social sciences to broaden collaboration, provide access to resources for use in the classroom, and empower instructors to prepare students for learning and working in today's global society. It is not about how to program computers but rather, how to apply them to teaching, learning and research. The workshop will be held July 29 - August 4, 2007 at San Diego Supercomputer Center and at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. The fee is $150 and includes lodging and most meals. Please register by June 30, 2007.

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E-news From The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coaliton (SPARK)
Podcasts, forums, resources for authors and publishers, and event information are available through SPARC E-news.

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NASA Launches Explorer Schools
This "pipeline" strategic initiative promotes and supports the incorporation of NASA content and programs into science, technology and mathematics curricula in classroom grades 4-9 across the United States. Targeting underserved populations in diverse geographic locations, NASA Explorer Schools will bring together educators, administrators, students and families in sustained involvement with NASA's education programs.

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Published from 2000 to September 2009, NSDL Whiteboard Report Archives provide access to prior issues of the bi-weekly newsletter published by NSDL. To subscribe to current news and information about NSDL, go to the NSDL Community Network site, register as a user, subscribe to and participate in selected features found there. For more information contact Eileen McIlvain