Research news and notes from the National Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Education
Digital Library (NSDL) Program [Back Issues]

The Whiteboard Report
May 2007, Issue #115



Teachers: Find Out How to Make Digital Resources Work for You!
On Tuesday May 22, 2007 from 6:30-8:30 ET you can find out more about The National Science Digital Library as a great resource, and how, as a teacher you can use digital content more effectively. Learn how to use some of the recent tools NSDL provides such as a tool to find resources associated with specific science benchmarks. We'll also explore some specific NSDL resources along the way based on participant interest as well as examples of how teachers have used online materials and technologies effectively and safely in their classrooms. This seminar is designed for educators of grades 2-8. Register for this free seminar today at

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The NSDL Toolbar and Baltimore Public Schools
Della Curtis, Director of Information Services for Baltimore Public Schools, (BCPS) presented the NSDL Toolbar to the superintendent's executive leadership group recently as a way to better support appropriate resource selection as BCPS works to align assessment, teaching, professional development and online resources. Ms. Curtis has been working towards adding the NSDL toolbar to all computers in the BCPS school district.

NSDL-On-a-Toolbar is a convenient way to keep access to National Science Digital Library handy while browsing the Internet with Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer. The toolbar puts an NSDL search box into a browser making it easy to find high quality online educational resources. NSDL audience and subject-specific Pathways web sites are also accessible through the toolbar.

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Of Interest in NSDL's Blogosphere
"Untangling the Networks Blog"
The all-time champion Expert Voices blog is about to retire. Cornell Info 204 - Networks has attracted 531 posts and 289 comments since it was activated in late January. And it isn't about "American Idol," either. It is a supplement to a college course on how the social, technological, and natural worlds are connected . . . .
"New in NSDL"
This new blog highlights collections added to NSDL in the last week. Now showing is information about the Pacific Biodiversity Information Forum. . . .
"Science on TV"
This new blog explores how hit TV shows about math and forensics work, and how classrooms turn the glitz into teachable moments"We are in a funny position," says Naren Shankar, Executive Producer of "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation." "We demand scientific realism in techniques, results, and conclusions, but we take dramatic license with how these things are rendered on film because it has to look beautiful and cool." . . .

An Update on the (Very Exciting) 2007 NSDL Annual Meeting
Thanks to everyone who submitted proposals to the NSDL Annual Meeting! And, thanks also to the volunteer proposal reviewers!! Submissions indicate that everyone has interesting and compelling presentations to share with other NSDL partners and projects. During June, the Planning Committee will work with the Review Committee on reviewing proposals and creating a draft program. Presenters should receive notification by early July. In the meantime, please refer to the Annual Meeting website for details on travel, lodging and travel support. Since a block of rooms is *not* being reserved this year, please consider making travel plans soon to ensure a good room rate. A complete list of conference hotels is on the meeting website.

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Whiteboard Report 2007 Summer Schedule
NSDL Whiteboard Report will be published on June 5 (deadline for submissions: Friday, June 1), June 28 (deadline for submissions: Tuesday, June 26), and Aug. 7 (deadline for submissions: Friday, Aug. 3). Regular bi-weekly publication will resume with the Sept. 4, 2007 issue.



Monthly NSDL Usage Reports
Monthly usage statistics for, and aggregated usage for NSDL Pathways and partner projects. Please contact Mick Khoo for more information at

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It's Your Year. NSF Sci/Vis Challenge
The National Science Foundation (NSF) and the journal Science, published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, invite you to participate in the fifth annual Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge. The competition recognizes scientists, engineers, visualization specialists and artists for producing or commissioning innovative work in visual communication.

Winners in each category will be published in the September 28, 2007 issue of Science and Science Online, and will be displayed on the NSF Web site.
Related Link:

NSF Cyberinfrastructure Team Request for Proposals
The CI-TEAM program supports projects that position the national science and engineering community to engage in integrated research and education activities promoting, leveraging and utilizing cyberinfrastructure systems, tools and services. NSF expects to select for support of 12 to 15 Demonstration Projects at up to $250,000 total each, and 7 to 12 Implementation Projects at up to $1,000,000 total each that together constitute a rich portfolio of cyberinfrastructure-related workforce development activities. Proposals are due on August 27, 2007.

Related Link:


Making of America
The Viol Seraphine was introduced on page one of the September 26, 1846 issue of Scientific American. This stringed instrument occupied "less than half the space of a piano forte, and is so light and portable that a lady-performer may readily place it before her." A historic archive of Scientific American issues has been made available on the web as part of Cornell University Library's Making of America Collection
featuring primary sources in American social history from the antebellum period through reconstruction in areas of education, psychology, American history, sociology, religion, and science and technology.

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Published from 2000 to September 2009, NSDL Whiteboard Report Archives provide access to prior issues of the bi-weekly newsletter published by NSDL. To subscribe to current news and information about NSDL, go to the NSDL Community Network site, register as a user, subscribe to and participate in selected features found there. For more information contact Eileen McIlvain