Research news and notes from the National Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Education
Digital Library (NSDL) Program [Back Issues]

The Whiteboard Report
February 2007, Issue #109



International Impact: Shodor/CSERD Continue to Reach Out Through "Other People's Workshops"
"Other People's Workshops" (OPWs) applies the idea that adding CSERD computational science workshops to other organization's events and activities effectively leverages students' and teachers interest in science and math and by showing how computational tools can elucidate math and science concepts in many different contextual settings

Dr. Robert Panoff, PI of the NSDL Computational Science Pathway, CSERD
has recently been testing that concept by working with students in Germany during math and science workshops offered through the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA)
at high schools in Heidelberg, Mannheim, Wiesbaden, Giessen, and Hanau. During "Real World" day at the schools Panoff also offered a presentation to parents, students, and teachers about NSDL exploring life after high school. DoDEA oversees schools for the children of service men and women stationed in the United States, Europe and the Pacific.

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TEACHERS: Free NSDL/NSTA Web Seminar: Small Creatures Under the Microscope on Feb. 20 with the Explo
Learn how to get free activities developed by educators and scientists from the Exploratorium
, also available in the National Science Digital Library. This seminar will feature exhibit-based hands-on activities and digital images taken from the Exploratoirum's Microscope Imaging Station exhibit. Get your questions answered by Exploratorium staff members Dr. Kristina Yu, a microscopist, Dr. Karen Kalumuck, a biologist and educator with the Exploratorium's Teacher Institute, and Dr. Sherry Hsi, learning technologist. Register today!

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NSDL Blogwatch
Last week NSDL and NSTA held the sixth free web seminar in an ongoing series for teachers entitled, "Charging Into Electrostatics." Read 24 insightful questions and comments from participants and presenters in the web seminar blog:

NSDL reaches out to individuals and organizations by exhibiting, attending and presenting at national and international STEM meetings and conferences. Read and add your comments to current first-hand reports about NSDL-on-the-road--including photographs at

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NSF Science & Engineering Visualization Challenge: Call For Entries
The National Science Foundation (NSF) and Science created the Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge to celebrate and encourage the continued growth of science images that enlighten and inspire. In a world where science literacy is dismayingly rare, illustrations provide the most immediate and influential connection between scientists and other citizens, and the best hope for nurturing popular interest. Indeed, they are now a necessity for public understanding of research developments: In an increasingly graphics-oriented culture, where people acquire the majority of their news from TV and the World Wide Web, a story without a vivid and intriguing image is often no story at all.

Entries for 2007 are being solicited now. Science researchers and communicators are urged to to participate in this unique and inspiring competition.
Related Link:

New NSF NSDL Solicitation for 2007
NSF has announced that approximately $6,000,000 will be available for 1 to 2 Pathways; 4-6 Services and; 15 to 20 Small grants in 2007 through the National Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education Digital Library (NSDL) Program.

Related Link:

New Blog of Note: Collected Perspectives on Copyright
"Collectanea" is an online discussion platform for the current and future Center for Intellectual Property scholars that seeks to present collected perspectives on copyright. This new blog, (c)ollectanea, furthers the Center for Intellectual Property's mission to provide timely copyright resources for educators. Although the blog will address the needs of the education and library communities, all are welcome to engage in the discussion and contribute. CIP is one of the leading online educational centers providing training,and solutions on copyright issues affecting the higher education community.

Related Link:

Alliance for Taxpayer Access
The Alliance for Taxpayer Access is a coalition of patient, academic, research, and publishing entities that support open public access to the results of federally funded research, including passage of the Federal Research Public Access Act. The Alliance was formed in 2004 to urge that peer-reviewed articles on taxpayer-funded research become fully accessible and available online at no extra cost to the American public.

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On a Rescue Mission Using Shared Technology and Resources
Jim Gray, winner of the 1998 ACM Turing Award and head of Microsoft Research's eScience Group went missing in his 40-foot sailboat on January 28. In an inspirational demonstration of the sometimes very personal nature of distributed computing, friends, former students and colleagues mounted an unprecedented effort to quickly sort through 100,000 satellite images looking for traces of him and his boat. The search has since been called off. "Coast Guard officials said they had never before seen such a concerted, technically creative effort carried out by friends and family of a missing sailor."--Katie Hafner, Silicon Valley's High Tech Hunt for Colleague," New York Times. Feb 3, 2007
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Published from 2000 to September 2009, NSDL Whiteboard Report Archives provide access to prior issues of the bi-weekly newsletter published by NSDL. To subscribe to current news and information about NSDL, go to the NSDL Community Network site, register as a user, subscribe to and participate in selected features found there. For more information contact Eileen McIlvain