Research news and notes from the National Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Education
Digital Library (NSDL) Program [Back Issues]

The Whiteboard Report
December 2000, Issue #1



Fitting the NSDL into fuzzy (metadata) buckets
December 2000--As we move forward to adopt a specific technical plan for NSDL interoperability, metadata expert Diane Hillmann has taken a step back to question some basic assumptions about how we will accomplish our technical wish list based on current agreed upon metadata standards.

Digital Library for Earth Science Education-DLESE to Visit Dec. 5
December 2000--Dave Fulker and Gary Horton will be on hand to talk about their community-based effort to establish a digital library for Earth system education as part of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research based in Boulder, Colorado. Visitors are welcome to attend their presentation scheduled for 1:30pm on December 5th in 5130 Upson Hall. Visit the DLESE homepage at

Interoperation challenge for long-term digital library sustainability
December 2000--New York, NY, November 27, 2000: The Open Ebook Standards Project, led by the Association of American Publishers, several leading publishers, and Andersen Consulting, has released the results of an intensive effort to establish recommendations and voluntary standards that will promote the development of a robust, competitive ebook market and make it easy for consumers to find and use ebooks.

Open Archives Initiative
December 2000--OAI develops and promotes interoperability standards that aim to facilitate the efficient dissemination of content. Release of beta specifications for metadata harvesting is scheduled for Januray 23, 2001 in Washington, D.C. The meeting will include demonstrations and discussions of alpha test results. Visit for more information.

Close-to-home science digital library collections
December 2000--'SITE for Science' collections development director John Saylor believes that more is more. He is collaborating with metadata specialist Diane Hillmann in developing strategies for including many of Cornell's digital science resources in the 'SITE for Science' prototype. If you would like to suggest a Cornell Univeristy Digital Library collection for inclusion please email John at Saylor also co-chairs the National Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology Education Digital Library Program collections committee. The national collections strategy aims to be comprehensive in its approach to transforming SMET education and will include 'any digital resource that can be reused to facilitate SMET education and pointers to analog (non digital) resources.'

SITE for Science
December 2000--The Core National Science Digital Library Project at Cornell, now officially named the 'SITE for Science,' is an information architecture prototype for a sophisticated on-line science learning library. SITE for Science prototype collaborators at Cornell include the Laboratory of Ornithology, The Atlas Project, The Cornell Center for Materials Research, and The Paleontological Research Institution.



NSDL progress report
December 2000--Be sure to read Lee Zia's article about the exciting National Science Digital Library initiative in the October issue of D-Lib Magazine.

Abundance, attention, and access: Of portals and catalogs
December 2000--Cornell Librarian Sarah Thomas has written an article for the Association of Research Librarians Newsletter on portals and catalogs from a librarian's perspective.

D-Lib Magazine
December 2000--The latest on digital library research, resources, and global initiatives.

December 2000--A fascinating three-part series in the Washington Post on the future of books and reading.
December 2000--A science learning site by Animatrix. SprocketWorks is an interactive place for kids (and adults) to learn the way that they choose to learn. A place where they can build a foundation for their own education...and in the process, to fall in love with learning.
December 2000--Images from Australian collections including people, places, events and objects.
December 2000--The Resource Discovery Network is a co-operative network of subject gateways providing access to descriptions of Internet resources selected for their quality and accuracy by subject specialists throughout the UK academic community.

Published from 2000 to September 2009, NSDL Whiteboard Report Archives provide access to prior issues of the bi-weekly newsletter published by NSDL. To subscribe to current news and information about NSDL, go to the NSDL Community Network site, register as a user, subscribe to and participate in selected features found there. For more information contact Eileen McIlvain