Grant Award Acknowledgements
Content on (NSDL's main user portal) and related NSDL sites are outcomes of work supported by the National Science Foundation under the following grant awards:
#1144560 - Repositioning NSDL for the Next Generation of Digital Learning ,
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, PI: Kaye Howe
#0926398 - Characterizing Classroom Usage of NSDL Resources , University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Digital Learning Sciences / Integrated Information Services, PI: Karon Kelly
#0925620 - NSDL Annual PI Meeting , University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, NSDL Resource Center, PI: Kaye Howe
#0840858 - Center for Sustaining Broader Impacts , University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, NSDL Resource Center, PI: Kaye Howe
#0840744 - NSDL Technical Network Services: A Cyberinfrastructure Platform for STEM Education , Cornell University, University of Colorado, University Corporation for Atmospheric Sciences, Digital Learning Sciences / Integrated Information Services, PI: Carl Lagoze
#0830317 - NSDL Core Integration Final Transition , University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, NSDL Core Integration, PI: Kaye Howe
#0824881 - Planning a PI Meeting for the NSDL Program , University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, NSDL Core Integration, PI: Kaye Howe
#0424671 - Collaborative Project: Core Integration - Leading NSDL Toward Long-Term Success , University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, NSDL Core Integration, PI: Kaye Howe
#0227648 - Collaborative Project: Core Integration - Leading NSDL Toward Long-Term Success , Cornell University, PI: Dean Krafft
#0227656 - Collaborative Project: Core Integration - Leading NSDL Toward Long-Term Success , University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, NSDL Core Integration, PI: David Fulker
#0227888 - Collaborative Project: Core Integration - Leading NSDL Toward Long-Term Success , Columbia University, PI: Kate Wittenberg
#0127298 - Collaborative Project: Core Integration of the National SMETE Digital Library , University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, NSDL Core Integration, PI: David Fulker
#0086100 - Core Integration Services for a Federated NSDL , University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, NSDL Core Integration, PI: David Fulker
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.